Chapter 6

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Jake's (pov)

Colby and I wake up and get changed. "Should we ignore them, and see if Corey tells them" I ask "Yeah sure, we can go to the store and pick your stuff up" he turns to look at me. "Your little things I mean" he finishes as he pulls his shirt off and hands me the hoodie he was wearing from the day before. "You know me so well" I say and set it on his bed. "Well, we are dating" He says "Really?" I say sarcastically and giggle. "Yeah, we are, suprising" he plays along with me. "Good, I was thinking that you were really hot, but your a stranger, didn't wanna say anything" I finish and he laughs. "Thanks, your quite cute yourself, but you know, didn't wanna say it to a stranger" he mocks and makes air quotes. "If i put some clothes on will you judge it for me" I ask him. "Sure" I walk to my room and but on some skinny jeans and a peach crop top with a little tiny peach in the corner. It matches Colby's shirt, he has a small peach with a black shirt. My anxiety rises as I walk down the hallway to show Colby. Your fine, he will like it. I tell myself. "Ok close your eyes" I say. "They're closed" I walk in his room and see my short and lean character in his mirror. "Ok, 3, 2, 1, open!" I watch as Colbys eyes go wide. "You look stunning Jake!" He says and smiles. We walk downstairs holding hands, because you know, the video they all took of us. "Jake you never finished showing me your shoes" Devyn said as I walk right past her. It's a good thing I deleted those text messages that I had with Corey on her phone. "Hey guys" Sam says as we walk in the kitchen. "Everyone is in here, I latch on to your arm, I don't know, and say something, ok" I whisper to Colby. "Ok". I walk to the table everyone was at and grabbed a cutie. "Nice outfit Jake?" Sam say as Colby follows close behind so I turn around wrap my arms around his neck and whisper "Pick me up" He does as I say and he sits down. "Thanks Sam, Colby helped pick it out" I said and kissed his cheek. After a couple of minutes we both noticed that no one was talking. I pick my head up and kiss Colby's cheek again, "Let's go babe" I say as everyone looks as I kiss him for the second time. They all stare as we walk out with him still carrying me in my peach crop top.

"So we still have to get blankets, stuffies, and we will get you some more clothes" Colby tells me "Why do I need more clothes?" I question "No,no I mean clothes like that" He says and grabs at my crop top and pulls on it a little bit. I feel my face heat up as he does that. "O-ok"
"Can i have your hoodie, im cold" i ask. "Yeah here" as he pulls the hoodie off his shirt slides up "thanks" i say and slip it on. We walk into a small shop that has a bunch of stuffies stacked on the shelves. "I want that one" I say as I see a dog with a red collar. "And I want this blanket" I say and grab the dog and the pink blanket. "Ok let's pay" Colby says as he grabs my hand and we walk to the cashier, he pays as he shoves me away. "Ok let's get some clothes"
We pick out 2 pastel crop tops, a black checkered cropped sweatshirt, and a couple other crop tops. "$164.59 please" I hand Colby money and he refuses. "I'll pay, Colby" I say as the cashier interupts "Ok, I'll settle this, who's girlfriend is it for" Colby and I look at eachother as he pays. "I hope your girlfriend likes it sir." She says. Colby looks at me and then back at her. "I'm not sure if my girlfriend will, but I know my boyfriend does" he says and kisses my cheek while we walk away.
"Wanna go home" Colby asks "Yes please" I say as I curl up in the passenger seat of Colby's car. "Are you tired baby" he says and grabs my thigh. "Yeah" I say and wrap myself around Colby's arm. "Good night then" he says. I look at him and lean forward to kiss him when someone knocks on Colby's window. "Hey babe" I hear from outside the car. I quickly turn my head to see Brennen. "We're not dating, I promise, I'm fed up with him and I'm not talking to him so he thinks that if you think we're dating you will stop talking to me and I'll be forced to hang with him" he says and rolls down the window. "What do you want" he says and sighs. "I wanna say hi to my boyfriend" he says and leans close to Colby. "Bro stop, we're not dating" He says seriously "We just kissed yesterday when you came to my house" I hear and chime in "Umm, exuse me, we were together all day hanging out" He just looks at me. "Will you get out of our business Jake" he says "No, he doesn't have to, now if you don't mind were going home" Colby says and rolls up the window. "I hate him" I say and roll my eyes so far back I wouldn't be suprised if I could see my brain. "Now, before Brennen came you were going to kiss me so I'll take that now" he says as I kiss him. I grab the side of his jaw and crawl over the middle of the seat and sit on his lap. I feel his tongue press on my teeth asking for entrance as I refuse. He pulls my hair and my mouth opens from a moan as he forces entrance. Our tongues fight for dominance as I let him win obviously and we accionally pull away for air. We both pull away and breath heavily, both hot from complexion. "I'm not very tired anymore" I say and make him laugh. "Oh, whatever shall we do" He says. "I have an idea" I say and lean back in.

Sorry this succ's
Tell me of any spelling errors
I'm still taking ideas if you think of anything, thx 4 ur time

(You've wasted it)

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