Chapter 15

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Jake's (pov)

"WHAT'S UP GUYS" I yell. "It's me Jake, with 2 of my baby bubba's. And Devyn" I say calmly as I wrap my arms around all of them. "Today I'm taking them to a place that they don't know. Exept for Colby, he told me about it" I say to the camera as we look at eachother and laugh. "Anyway, we are heading there right now" I say and put my hand on the camera and cut it off. "Was that good" I say and look at Sam. He smiles. "Yeah, great, I was in it" we all chuckle and I get Colby's keys. "Your driving" I say and chuck the keys at him. I talk to my camera as we drive about where we are all going. "So I'm taking you two to an abandoned, haunted hotel" I say and rub my hands together. I tell them and the camera the history behind this place. "This place is supposidly haunted because hundreds of people died from WW2 in this place and people seem to hear voices and see soldiers shadow running in the hallways" I say. "Can we just go to the mall or something" Devyn says. We all laugh and then I set down the camera. "Well, this should be fun" Sam says.

"So we parked a little whiles away so that police don't get suspicious about a car being right next to the place, it's considered trespassing here" I say to the camera. "I feel like Sam and Colby doing this" I say and chuckle. "So you feel hot" Sam says and waves his hands infront of his face. "Yeah, that's my role" Colby says. "Yeah it is" I nod and kiss his cheek. "You have to cut that out" Devyn says. "I know" I say and smile at her. "Wish I didn't though" I say and glare at Colby.
Me and him have been talking about telling the fans but he doesn't want to because people are gonna hate us afterwards. Long story short he doesn't want to loose subscribers and money. "Anyway, we are 2 minutes away from this place so let's start running" I say and grab Colby's hand.

(Time skip)

"Ok guys, we have to be quite when we first get in here" I say and turn to look at everyone. Devyn nods and the others just know what to do, they don't need my consent. Since the front door is blocked off, we go in by a little hatch in the ground that leads us through 3 hallways, in which we turn right twice and left once. "Ok so let's help one person in and they will help us down" I say and set the camera down. "I vote Colby because he's the strongest out of all of us" Devyn says. "No, he's my mans" I say to her. She just glares back. "Well now you have more to edit" she says. I can tell somethings up with her. "Here, I'll go down, help Jake down, then we will continue the line from there" Colby says. We all nod. I film as Colby jumps down into the tunnel. "It's so empty in here, and eerie" he says. He opens his arms wide and looks at me. I hand the camera to Sam as he records us.
Sam gives the camera to Colby and jumps down. I look up and smile at Devyn. She looks frightened when she returns my smile. "Get me down, quick someone with a flash light is in the distance walking towards here" she whispers in a worried tone. I hold my hands out and catch her when she jumps. We both fall and we laugh because of how clumsy I am. "Well guys, security is right outside, so we gotta book down here" Sam says. We all go the direction I tell everyone and end up in the basement. "Look Colby" I say as I see and rainbow graffitied on a wall. "That's nice" Colby says while recording. We keep on walking until we find the staircase leading up. Colby's silently walks up and peaks around the corner. He points towards the exit and he waddle's down the stairs. We all start running until we reach the end. I get on Colby's shoulders and open the latch. We boost Devyn out, then me then Colby's climbs out l. All of the sudden footsteps come from the side of Sam. "Sam get up here now" Colby's says. Sam climbs out and we wait for some thing to pass the little intrance we found. Soon enough, a hunch back, grey skinned, humanoid creature walks past and doesn't notice us. We close the hatch and start running for the car to get away from there. "What the fuck was that thing" Sam asks. "I don't know but that was staring at me when I looked around the corner" Colby said. We all climb in the car and breath heavily as we start driving. "Guys, look!" Sam says as we pass the abandoned place. As I turn I see the same guy we saw right before waving to our car as we pass. "That's scarier than what Colby looks like when he wakes up in the morning" I say lightening the mood. "And you would know because why, Jake" he says. "Thanks I appreciate you making me have to edit that great moment out" I say.

(Time skip)

We pull up to the Trap House and walk inside. "Hey guys" I hear a sick Corey say. I look up and he is standing at the end of the steps. "You are glad you didn't go, babe, you would've pooped your pants" Devyn says and walks over to him. I smile as she hugs him knowing she's happy. "I'm going to bed,guys. Nighty night" Sam says and walks off. "Us too" Devyn says and pulls Corey upstairs. Colby and I look at eachother. "So what we doing" he says and wraps his arms around me. "I want to watch a movie" I say as he smiles. "Anything for you" he says and smiles. "That's cheesy, stop" I finish with.

I don't have anything to do in this book, so pls send me ideas or anything you can. Also, I said this in my other book but go read "Abandoned" by Ovv-Sfx . It's my favorite Jolby book at the moment and I think that others will enjoy it, Bi bruthers

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