Chapter 1

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Jake's (pov)

It was a cold Septemberday as I get awaken to the sound of screaming. They are probably filming. I think to myself as someone busts into my room.

Colby's (pov)

Today I'm planning to play a prank on Corey, I just need help. I ask Sam if he will help after explaining the plan to him and he says ok, so all I need is Jake. I walk up to Jake's door, take a deep breath, and bust in. "Hey Jake, would you mind helping me with something" I say, "What is it?" He asks
"Oh, I'm going to prank Corey with a missing girlfriend prank, Sam,Katrina, and Devyn are in on it, so far." "Sure I can help, what should I do" He says as he gets up off the bed and stands up. As he stands up I realise what he is wearing, some pastel pink booty shorts and my koala hoodie. I've been looking for that. "You look comfy" He blushes as soon as he realizes what he is wearing. "Sorry, y-you can have t-this back if you want." He says as he looks down in shame. "No, I want you to keep it, you look better in it." I say as I swiftly walk out of Jake's room. Idiot why would you say that he probably thinks your a freak now, good going dip-shit.

Jake's (pov)

"No, I want you to keep it, you look better in it" He says as he walks out. Don't get your hopes up he will never love you as will no one else. I sigh heavily as I know that's probably right, Colby probably wanted me to keep it because I got my germs on it. I can't believe I thought he liked me back for a second. I walk to my closet and grab a purple "Take Chances" hoodie that Colby gave me, slip it over my head, and put on black skinny jeans with suspenders, that I never use, hooked to them. I walk into the bathroom, fix my hair, brush my teeth, put some make-up over the bad parts of my skin, and then walk downstairs. After being greeted by everyone I sat down at the little table in our kitchen, as Colby greets me again. "I see you've changed" he says with a big smirk. I scratch the back of my neck and blush "Sorry about that, but do you really think I'm cute?" I ask. He will tell you it was a joke, he doesn't like you or think your cute, face it. "Well have you looked in the mirror lately" I blush as he asks me "Yes and it always breaks" I say sarcastically as I smile. "Well I think you need a new mirror baby" I blush very hard after I process what he just says "Thank you, and stop I'm blushing to hard" "Your cute when you blush" He says as he puts his hand on the side of my face "That's why I have to do this" He starts to lean in and so do I

I hear and open my eyes.
"It was just a dream, great." I say aloud not noticing
"What happened in your dream jake" Corey says as he lifts his eyebrow "Nothing intresting, plus you would hate me." "You don't have a crush on me or anything right?" He questions as I laugh "What, no, it was about someone else, that your not going to know" I can see that he is upset I won't tell him, but I guess he will just have to be upset because if I tell 1 person in this house that I have a crush on Colby everyone will know within the next hour. "ok, well get dressed, You,Devyn,Colby,and I are going to meet up at Tender Greens with Sam and Kat." "K Corey, now get out so I can get dressed" I say as we both snicker. "Ok, meet us downstairs in 10" I watch as he walks away, making sure no one is outside, I jump up quickly and shut and lock my door. I get changed into the clothes I wore in my dream hoping something would happen. I walk to the bathroom and do my normal routine when I hear the door open. "Hey Jake" Good it's just Devyn. Devyn knows everything about me, we never keep secrets. I remember when I moved in everyone went out to dinner without me but she faked sick to make sure I was ok. "Hey Dev" I say "you need any help with your makeup" she asks "No I think I can do it" All I put on is foundation,contour, and concealer but sometimes I wish I didn't have to and I just had a pretty face, no one knows about the makeup, she is the only one I trust. "Ok, tell me if you need anything J" she says and leaves.

All of us walk out of the door and get in Corey's car, me and Colby in the back and Devyn and Corey in the front with him driving. "So how has your day been Jake" Colby asks "It's decent for the time I've been awake" I say and giggle. "Did you just giggle" Corey asks while smiling. "I don't know" I reply even though I knew I did. "It was pretty cute, maybe I should ask how your day has been every morning" Colby says as I see Devyn turn towards me.

We pull into Tender Greens and get out of the car Colby opens my door for me. "Thank you, I didn't know you were such a gentlemen" "Eh, just feeling nice today"  Oh, he is only in a good mood...... That's why he is being so nice to me. Devyn is still smiling at me and right as we get to our table Devyn pulls me to the bathroom. "Ooh Jake looks like someone likes you" she says as she gestures towards Colby "He is just in a good mood, he told me" She frowns as we walk back to the table. Colby scoots over so that we can sit next to eachother while we wait for Sam and Kat.

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