Chapter 12

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Jake's (pov)

It's about 4 pm here. We are going to pick the dog up right now. I get Colby up off of his lazy ass and we get changed into some random crap we found in his room. We spray his room with ferbreze so that it smells better, walking downstairs we get the car keys and walk out of the front door. Colby and I get in the car and drive to the pet store acasionally chatting about life. "The roomates are going to be back when we get home probably" I say and bop Colby's nose with my finger. "Yeah, learning what he got trained to listen to is going to take an extra 20 minutes because they taught him everything to play dead" He says as we pull into the parking lot. "Whyy, I'm tired and hungry. And I'm sore" I say and look at him. He looks back at me holding in a laugh. "Sorry, tell me next time, i can ask them for a chair to sit in if you want" he says as I turn towards him and nod. "Ok" he pauses and sighs "Let's go. We both open our doors, get out of the car, shut the doors, and begin to walk into the store. "So what name are we picking" Colby asks. "I like shrek" I say and shrug my shoulders. "We are not naming a dog Shrek, how about Berry B. Benson" he says and I laugh. "No, but I kinda like Alex" (my sister's shiba is named Alex, so I stole it from her) "yeah, that's a good name. We have to get a tag with that in-graved on it" Colby says. "Yeah agreed" I say as Colby opens the door for me. "Hi, welcome to Pet-Co how may I help you" I hear a voice say from behind the counter. Colby walks over to the counter and asks for a lady name "leah" we wait and we see him come out of the back room and asks us to follow him. "So if you walk down there and turn right, there is a door. Go in there and that's were she will teach you" he says and smiles. "Thank you so much, have a nice day" I say and return his smile. "You too" he finishes and walks back to the front. "So walk and turn, easy enough" I say and grab Colby's hand as we walk. "I can't wait to learn all this, it will be easy to handle him" Colby says and looks at the door. He pushed open the door and I see the puppy. Adorable. I walk up to him and sit down so that were level. "Hey little buddy" I say and scratch behind his ears. Colby looks at me and just smiles. "I'll be right back, going to get a collar" I look up and see a lady with blonde hair and brown eyes as she walks away with him. "That was really cute" Colby says in my ear and lays his head on my shoulder. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and start to rock back and forth. Looking down I put my small petite hands on top of his hands and grab them while continuing to rock. We hear footsteps and disconnect from eachothers grasp. She walks in and looks at us while smiling. "Ok, before we start do you two need anything" she says pointing at us. "Do you have a chair by chance" Colby asks. She nods and jogs to the front and comes back with a chair. "Here you go" she says and smiles at Colby. He gives me the chair and they start.

We're about 30 minutes into training and this lady is flirting and touching Colby, my boyfriend. I feel like getting up and slapping this bitch, but I can't and I know he's weirded out to because every time she says or does something he just looks at me and does a gross kinda look. All the sudden I hear a noice and look up. She fell and is laying on the ground. "Can you help me up" I hear her say. I look up and Colby's just staring at me, he wants me to help her up just to screw with her. So I smile mischievously and nod. "Omg are you ok" I say and give her a hand. She looks at me like there is a tree growing out of my head and gets up herself. "Thanks, I'm good though" she says and giggles trying to be cute. "I'll be right back" Colby says and smiles. "I'll going to get another trainer" Colby whispers in my ear and walks off. "Ok" I say back quietly. After he walks out the door I grab the dog and she scoffs at me. "Your gross" I hear her say. "Excuse me, where is the mirror your talking to" I ask. She turns around and scrunches her nose and lip up and just looks at me. "You know, I don't think he's into guys, so just back off" she says and points at the door gesturing towards Colby. "Ummm, I'm pretty positive he's into guys" she just stares blankly at me until Colby walks in and walks over to me. "They have no one else" he whispers again. "Whatever" I say aloud and scoff. I pet the dog before putting him back down.

(Skip to the end of the training)

"Well thanks for training us, it was nice meeting you" Colby says and shakes her hand. "You two" she says. Right as we are walking out the door she grabs our attention. "Actually, I was gonna ask if you wanna meet again, like I'll give you my number, you can call me and we can hang out" she said while twirling her hair. I whispered in Colby's ear what she had said earlier and he looks at me. "You know I would but there's just one small problem" Colby says. "Is it because we don't know eachother very well, because if it is, you can leave him and stay here" she says as she walks up and pokes his chest with her nail. Before she can take her hand away, I grab it and push it away. "Well, Colby, looks like your friend here is a little, uhh let's say protective" she says and wipes her hand in her shirt trying to show off her tits. "Yeah, that's the problem me and him are close and he wouldn't like it if I left him" she looks at me and smiles. "Well I'm sure you wouldn't mind just leaving him, I mean, look at me, I'm better than him" She says and traces her body. "You know, I don't think he'd like that" Colby whispers to her. "Do you care if your friend leaves to go out with me, just for one night, I promise" Colby looks up at me trying to hold in a laugh. "You know what, I don't really appreciate you trying to be kind to me after what you did" I say. "I didn't do anything" she says acting offended. I look at her like you do when you say something sarcastic. "If you don't mind, I'll sit over there while you two sort out your date" I say and pick the dog up while walking over to sit down. "So, can I have your number" she says and puts her hands on her hips. "No, I told you I don't think he would like it" Colby says. She scoffs and gets up close to him. She leans in and tries to kiss him but he pushes her down. "You know, your being awfully rude. I tried to give you a kiss and you just push me" she says and puts her hands down by her sides. "Yeah, I just don't really think my boyfriend over there would appreciate it" Colby says and points at me. She turns around and I wave. "Whatever, let me have your number, we can be friends" I get up, grab Colby's hand,and open the door. "Bye honey, hope you get your mirror fixed, like you said, it doesn't look to good" I say to her and walk out. We hear her come back out the door and follow us out the builing. "She's gonna follow us home in her car" Colby's says and points to her as she gets in her car. "Drive to the back of the parking lot, we'll get out and get his collar out of the trunk and put it on him, but we need to kiss enough for her to see" I say and point to Alex. Colby nods his head and drives to the back like I said. He unlocks our doors and we both step out. He looks at me from across the car and laughs as I do to. "There's her car" Colby says and tilts his head back meaning that the cars behind him. I nod and grab the dog. We put his collar on and see her park 3 spots and a row away from us. "I'll put him back in the car and roll a window down" I say and unlock the car, set him down and roll down a window. I walk up to Colby as I feel her eyes on my back. He slithers his hands around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He gently kisses me and I almost instantly kiss back. He picks my legs up and puts them around his waist and sets me on the back of his car. I play with his hair as our tongues dance with eachother in our mouths. He carefully presses his lips to my neck and bites down on my skin. I hear her get out of her car, but I don't want to stop for her sake. I hear walking near us and of course decide to moan loudly right there Colby looks at me. "That was cute" he say as picks me up and takes me to the car. We both sit down and wait for her to leave. She doesn't leave for another 6 minutes so we just get back in the car and talk. We do that for 11 minutes until she finally leaves. We get back out of the car and Colby acts like he's getting something for the dog as I give him another quick peck. I see her face in the rear view mirror and she looks disgusted. I just laugh and fan myself off. "Well, that was fun" Colby says. I just giggle "yeah, messing with straight people" I say. I turn around and pet the dog. "I'm sorry" I say and look at Colby. "That's nice" he says and grabs my chin while touching my neck with the other hand. "Do I have a mark" I said and looked at him. "Yeah, but I like it, it shows people that your mine" he says and points at her car. "Speaking of her, let's go" I say and point forward. "Good idea" Colby says and drives off.

That is the longest chapter I've written, if you like them like this, tell me. (I'm considering writing like this)

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