Chapter 14

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Jake's (pov)

"I'll go get the leash, and you get the keys, I wanna go to the park" I say and run downstairs to the hook were we put the leashes. I grab the black one and run back upstairs to were Devyn had just walked out of her room. "Hey Jake, I'm gonna show you something later, like when you get back" she says and grazes her fingers on my shoulder. "I'm gonna be with Colby all day, and will be back after you go to bed" she looked at me all disappointed and just sighed. "Ok, Jake. Talk to you later" she says and walks off. I turn around and go to Colby's bedroom. "I got the leash" I say and put it on the dog gently enough so that he didn't wake up. "I can't find the keys" Colby says and looks at me. "Well, that might be a problem" I respond with. I laugh as Colby glares at me obviously not impressed. "I'm sorry babe, I'll help look" I say and hug around his neck. I start to walk down the hall when I stop. "Yeah, I'm gonna black mail Jake so that he'll talk to me more often" I hear Devyn say. "Yeah, I know that they are dating, but they should talk to us too" Sam replies with. "Yeah, im telling him tomorrow" What could she even black mail me with? I have to tell Colby.

(When the roomates came back from vacation)

Devyn's (pov)

I walk in and here Jake moaning loudly, I creep up the steps and it's coming from inside Colby's room. At this point I am so close to the door I can even hear Colby panting. I quickly voice record and tip-toe back downstairs. I go back outside act normal so that no one suspects anything. I can use this against Jake.

Jake's (pov)

I walk down the hallway knowing that I have to tell Colby. "Hey guess what I just heard" I say as I walk in his room. "What did you just hear, Jake" he says. I glare at him and then get serious. "Devyn and Sam are going to blackmail us somehow because we won't hang out with them as much" I say as he just shrugs his shoulders. "All they have on us is that we're dating. And let's invite them to do a Video with us" Colby says as I nod my head yes in response. "So let's get Sam, Corey, and Devyn." I tell him. "Good plan, but first, find my keys" Colby says. I smile and walk into the other room where Sam is. "Hey Jake" he smiles and waves. "Hi Sam" I say and walk away. "Colby's car keys are in his pants from yesterday" I hear Sam yell from the other room. I walk back to Sam. "Do you wanna film a video with Colby and I, we have to ask Corey and Devyn still, but I'm pretty sure they'll say yes" I kindly gesture as Sam makes a smile. "I'd love to Jake"  he says obviously happy that him and Colby will get to hang out. I walk back up the stairs and go into Colby's room. "Sam said yes and I just remembered Corey's sick, so we should say Devyn is his substitute" he nods and continues looking. "I know where the keys are" I say as he bolts his head up symbolizing that he wants to stop. "Where" he says and gets up. I go up to him and put my hands on his chest moving them up to wrap around his neck. I pull one hand off and put it on his shoulder, quickly I stick my hand in his pocket, grab the keys, and run. "Jake, get back here or I'll take away your minecraft membership" I hear Colby yell. I run back to him as fast as I can and give him the keys. "You get the dog in the car and I'll go tell Devyn. He nods and kisses my cheek as he grabs the dog and walks out.
I walk to Corey's room and knock on the door. "I'm coming in bitch" I scream through the crack in the door. Devyn looks at me while I walk in and smiles. "What brings you here" she says. "Can you replace Corey and be in my video" I say and she grins widely. "Yes, of course" she says and hugs me. "Why are you so exited" I ask. She just looks at me. "Because you never talk to me anymore" I instantly feel guilty and get some courage. "You can come with me and Colby to walk the dog if you want" she nods her head and puts some shoes on. We walk down the steps and go out the door, locking it behind us. "Colby, I'm bringing Devyn" I say he just smiles and grabs my hand. "I'm letting Sam come" he says and laughs. We all get in the car and I notice that Colby and I left something back there that we forgot to pick up. Everyone gets in and I get on my knees and lean forward to reach the bag. Devyn pulls it further away and at that moment, all I feel is a hand come in contact with my ass. I fall forward and Devyn catches me. Oh, that's why she pulled it away. I sit back down and smack Colby's arm. "Bitch" I say and stick my tongue out. "Sorry, it was calling my name" I look at him and roll my eyes. "My ass wasn't calling your name, right then mister" I say and put my finger on his chest. He leans close to my ear and whispers. "It was the other night, in fact, you were calling my name out to me also" I glare at him and crack a smile while I can feel my face heating up, blushing hard. "Jake, you look like a tomato, what did he say" I look at Sam after he asked and back at Colby. "Nothing, he said absolutely nothing" I say and turn back forward.

We pull up to the park and get the dog out and let him roam around the fenced area. We all talk and have a good time. We get back in the car drive home and then decide, where we're going for the video.

If u read authors notes you will see that I'm making another Jolby book, they are in highschool, it's gonna be up in 1-2 days, that's why this took long to write because I'm caught up with the other one, anyway spelling errors blah,blah,blah. Yeah, u know the drill. Bi bruthers

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