Chapter 13

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Colby's (pov)

We drive home in silence until I start to hear little giggles. I look over at Jake and he's holding his hand to his mouth to stop laughing so audibly. "Jake, I know I'm ugly but you could atleast not laugh" I say jokingly. He looks at me and grabs my arm. "I wasn't laughing at you I was thinking about what we actually just did to a white chick" he says and his small giggles turn into loud laughs. Just hearing his laugh makes me chuckle, his laugh just brightens the room, or car I should say. We pull up to the Trap House and as we are about to get out of the car Jake stops me. He grabs my muscle and gropes it's gently "Your not ugly, by the way. I think your pretty hot" he says and nudges his cheek onto my shoulder. He let's go and gets out. I watch as he walks in the house and just stands in the door way. He turns around and signals me to come in. I get out, open the window for the dog, and walk in the house with Jake. "We will get Alex in a second and suprise them" Jake smirks. "Hey guys, welcome back" Corey says sarcastically. "Hey aunty" I say back. He glares at me and I turn around. "I left one small thing in the car, be right back" I say as Jake trots behind me. "Buddy is gonna flip, he hates when Navi takes his attention, wait for this" Jake says and groans. "What's wrong" I ask. "My stomach just hurts, I'm fine though" he says and gives two thumbs up. I grab the dog and Jake pets him while he's in my arms, I close the door. "Ok guys, don't freak out, but we might have done something a little out of the box" I say as we walk in the living room with Alex. "Oh my god, what did you do" Corey says eyes wide. "We bought a dog, you see" Jake says and points. "Dog" he finishes. "Get Aaron and Buddy, see how they feel about this" Sam says "Navi likes other dogs, so we're all good" Devyn says and gives an ok hand symbol.
We let eveyone meet him and introduced the other dogs to him. Rights now we are setting up his bed in my room because that's were Jake and I usually sleep. "Put it right there" Jake says and points in the corner while he cuts tags off of the dog toys and puts them in a bin. "Ok" I say and put it by my desk. "Perfect" Jake says and puts the basket next to the bed. He picks the dog up and puts him in the bed. "Good night Alex, sleep well" Jake says and nuzzles his nose in his ear and kisses atop of his head. I wait at the door and just watch, this is cute overload. "Ok, let's do something until he falls asleep" Jake whispers. I nod my head and pick him up by the waist. I put him down on the bed and just look at him. "I wanna play the Ps4" I say and kiss his cheek. He looks at me and frowns obviously looking for more. I sit down in my desk chair and turn the Ps4 on.
I get on Red Dead Redemption and play for about 2 and a half hours Jake has his head on my shoulder, hands around my neck, and is sitting on my lap. "Baby, the dogs asleep" I say as I shut off the console and pick him up. He makes a noice which means he's tired. I carry him bridal position down the stairs and into the living room. "Hey guys, me and this cute bean are going to bed. That means don't scream" I say and walk back upstairs. I lay Jake on the bed and lay down beside him. All of the sudden I feel the weight of the bed being lifted and see Jake getting up. "I'll be right back" he says. I hear him get up and wall to the bathroom. I close my eyes as I get a notification on my phone. I get out of bed and look at it.

Brennen: Hey, text me back when your free.

Colby:I'm free now, what do you need.

Brennen: I just wanted to ask if u and Jake r over yet.

Colby: Why, even if we were I wouldn't date you.

Brennen: What! I thought you liked me.

Colby: Maybe I did before, but at this point I don't want to even talk to you. You've made it weird and I don't enjoy being your friend anymore. For this reason, I'm dropping you.
                                                Read 10:38

I block Brennen's number and shut my phone off. I turn around and step towards the bed when I see Jake in the door way. Jake walks over to me and puts his hands around my neck, he pushes me on the bed. He crawls on top of me and lays on the inside of "our" bed. "Colby" he says and looks at me. "Yeah" I say as he puts his hands on my cheeks. He kisses me softly and pulls away. "I love you" he says. "I love you too, Jake. More than you could ever imagine" I say. He smiles and closes his eyes and we both drift off to sleep.

Jake's (pov)

I wake up and don't see Colby anywhere. I start to walk downstairs when I hear talking coming from the kitchen. I know I shouldn't be snooping, but it's Colby, so I have to. "Sam, I'm your bestfriend, I won't stop talking to you" Colby's says "Then start doing it, you've only been hanging out with Jake and not anyone else" I hear Sam say. "Yeah, that's because he's my boyfriend Sam, don't act like when you and Katrina first got together that you didn't ignore everyone for the first two weeks" Colby says. "Well you need to pay the same amount of attention to me as you give your boyfriend" I hear him say boyfriend in a mocking tone. "You know Sam, it seems like maybe you want to be my boyfriend instead, you suddenly get jeleous and want all this attention when I get someone for myself" Colby says back. Sam stays silent for a couple of seconds. "If that's what it takes for you to talk to me then yes, I do" I hear Colby scoff and start to walk my way. I jolt back to Colby's room and wake up the dog so that it seems like I've been playing with him. "I see your awake" Colby walks in and smiles. "Yeah, wanna go take Alex for a walk with me" I say. "Sure, why not"

I'm running out of good stuff for this story, for any ideas you have, pm me and tell me ur idea and u might see it in the book, I also do special chapters were if u pm me everything you want in a chapter I will write everything you want and give you credit at the end of the story.

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