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Rivergays group chat minus Toni
10:09 am
[Cheryl🍒]: Holy shit guys, T. E. A.

[Veronica🔪]: Veronica is up and ready

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: it's too early

[Cheryl🍒]: it's almost the afternoon

[Veronica🔪]: it's NEVER too early for tea, so spill

[Cheryl🍒]: so me and Toni met last night

[Veronica🔪]: WHEN?

[Cheryl🍒]: it was like 12 or something

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: that's not creepy

[Cheryl🍒]: yeah I know it's sketch but anyways she said she didn't want to kill me and I'm still here

[Veronica🔪]: ok whatever bitch just please continue

[Cheryl🍒]: since you asked nicely

[Cheryl🍒]: so I got to pikkins around 1 and we talked for like half an hour on the swings just about random stuff

[Cheryl🍒]: she started telling me this really cringy joke that was really funny and I started laughing so hard

[Veronica🔪]: then she murdered you!

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Shut up Archie jr.

[Veronica🔪]: Offended

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: awesome, now continue Cheryl

[Cheryl🍒]: anyways so I was laughing then she started laughing too and ps. she has an amazing laugh.

[Cheryl🍒]:once we calmed down we looked at each other for a solid 2 minutes.

[Cheryl🍒]: she leaned in and kissed me!

[Cheryl🍒]: it was the best kiss ever, so sweet and her lips are so soft

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: DNFNFJEHSHCNZN!!!!!!!!

[Veronica🔪]: Has anyone seen my wig!... oh wait found it, It was at pikkins park

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Yay omg #Choni is happening

[Cheryl🍒]: maybe

[veronica🔪]: what! Why maybe?

[Cheryl🍒]: we haven't texted since, after the kiss we talked about everything but that and then like 10 minutes later I left

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: bitch go talk to her right now

[Cheryl🍒]: Oh she just texted me

[Veronica🔪]: don't answer right away, make her wait

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: no don't do that, answer

[Cheryl🍒]: I'll talk to her
11:00 am
[Toni🐍]: hey... so last night was fun

[Cheryl🍒]: yeah it was nice to talk and meet you without being drunk

[Toni🐍]: yeah your a lot more fun to talk when your not wasted...

[Toni🐍]: so wanna hang out today? I was going to be with sweet pea at the worm if you wanna come

[Cheryl🍒]: well duh of course I'll come.

[Toni🐍]: also, your a really good kisser

[Cheryl🍒]: omg your making me blush

[Toni🐍]: I love how I how I have that effect on you.

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