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Lame part of riverdale
11:12 am

[Cheryl🍒]: good morning I love you all

[Jughead🍔]: are you okay

[Betty⭐️]: what have you done with Cheryl

[Toni🐍]: Get off my phone Toni


[Veronica🔪]: She has her phone, awwwww

[Archie🏈]: how's that cute, they hate each other

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: some day we will find you help Archie

[Cheryl🍒]: omg Toni is so hot like jeez we should fuck daily

[Reggie☠️]: I'll join

[Toni🐍]: ew no thanks ass hat and Toni give me back my fucking phone

[Veronica🔪]: when's the wedding
Conversation between Toni and Cheryl.

[Cheryl🍒]: so last night was fun sorry I feel asleep on you though

[Toni🐍]: oh it's fine, also your adorable when you snore

[Cheryl🍒]: I don't snore

[Toni🐍]: wanna bet

[Cheryl🍒]: whatever

[Toni🐍]: so you free tonight?

[Cheryl🍒]: yeah sorry I'm going on a date

[Toni🐍]: what the fuck with who

[Cheryl🍒]: you dumbass, it's cute how you get jealous though.

[Toni🐍]: only for you

[Cheryl🍒]: where we headed tonight?

[Toni🐍]: you'll see

[Cheryl🍒]: I'm nervous now

[Toni🐍]: you'll be fine, can you send a picture I miss you

[Cheryl🍒]: I saw you like an hour ago

[Toni🐍]: still


[Toni🐍]: damn how'd I get so lucky to get a date with you

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[Toni🐍]: damn how'd I get so lucky to get a date with you

[Cheryl🍒]: you make me blush

[Toni🐍]: you cute

[Toni🐍]: so I'll pick you up in a bit
Lame part of riverdale
8:37 pm

[Cheryl🍒]: have you guys met my girlfriend

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: What!?

[Veronica🔪]: bitch what?

[Cheryl🍒]: yeah she has pink hair, a serpent jacket, is super hot and is awesome. Did I mention hot



[Betty⭐️]: that's Veronica and Kevin right now

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[Betty⭐️]: that's Veronica and Kevin right now

[Archie🏈]: Cheryl's cheating on Toni!

[Toni🐍]: no... it's me, that beautiful red headed girl is mine

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: and thats when the whole world exploded

[Josie🎼]: I can hear Kevin screaming through my phone

[Reggie☠️]: so you down for threesome now blossom?

[Cheryl🍒]: you know what insane asylums are?

[Reggie☠️]: yeah?

[Cheryl🍒]: can you tell me how you escaped

[Toni🐍]: I love your way with words and you should come over

[veronica🔪]: relationship advice, get right to business just like how Toni is

[kevin🏳️‍🌈]: duh

[Toni🐍]: 😉
10:23 pm

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: please tell me you asked Cheryl to be your girlfriend in some super romantic way

[Veronica🔪]: yeah, I bet she dead ass got on one knee with a ring pop and said be mine?

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: that would be goals

[Cheryl🍒]: that didn't happen

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: then she probably took you to your house and killed your evil mother and in her blood wrote girlfriend?

[Cheryl🍒]: I wish

[Toni🐍]: all I did was go to my trailer and sat on the roof with takeout and asked her would you be my girlfriend

[Veronica🔪]: LAME

[Cheryl🍒]: at least I have a girlfriend

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I still think the blood of your mother would have been nicer

[Toni🐍]: she doesn't seem to nice

[veronica🔪]: you met her and she didn't kill you?

[Cheryl🍒]: she answered the door and Toni was there and then slammed it on her and told me not to go outside, I might catch polio

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: oh I'm surprised she didn't kill her right there

[Toni🐍]: that would have been a cool headline though

[Toni🐍]: an old hag kills her daughters girlfriend for being in a gang and for being her girlfriend!

[Cheryl🍒]: yeah she's more likely to kill me

[Toni🐍]: you should move out

[Cheryl🍒]: I wish tt

[Veronica🔪]: did you see that Kevin she has pet name for our little tequila bottle!

[Toni🐍]: why do I get to be called tequila?

[Veronica]: because just like tequila your Spicy so I can only handle a tiny bit.

[Cheryl🍒]: did you just call her spicy and short?

[Veronica🔪]: I did

[Toni🐍]: I can't tell if I'm offended or not

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I'd take it, she called me nutcracker once...you should know why

[Veronica🔪]: I need a name for Cheryl

[Toni🐍]: Pillow princess

[Cheryl🍒]: you did not!!

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: we all saw this coming

[veronica🔪]: that might just stick

[Cheryl🍒]: if you ever call me this I will not hesitate to decapitate you and let maggots rot inside you

[Veronica🔪]: I'll keep looking

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