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2 weeks later...
Lame part of Riverdale
3:47 pm

[Cheryl🍒]: Hey Veronica? Wanna tell me why my 50 dollar bill is gone from my wallet?

[Veronica🔪]: i don't know what your talking about

[Cheryl🍒]: well I had a 50 dollar bill and now it's gone

[Veronica🔪]: maybe it fell out

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: yeah because money just falls out of a cLoSeD wallet...

[Cheryl🍒]: and I'm pretty sure it didn't just walk away

[Veronica🔪]: maybe you left it somewhere

[Cheryl🍒]: Veronica I will run you over with my car!

[Sweet pea☁️]: I'd give it back man

[Betty⭐️]: ☝🏼

[Veronica🔪]: ever think that I didn't take it. What about Toni she probably took it.

[Toni🐍]: why tf would I take it veronica I could just ask and get it besides I get way better stuff then money from her

[Veronica🔪]: I don't know Toni maybe you stole it for your little gang

[Toni🐍]: we don't steal from our girlfriends plus she was just with you veronica

[Cheryl🍒]: v give it back

[Veronica🔪]: I swear I was going to give it back I just needed to borrow it.

[Betty⭐️]: you forgot the quotation marks.

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I think your logic is stupid

[Veronica🔪]: I think your stupid

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I've been called worse

[Fangs🐶]: like?

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: straight

[Cheryl🍒]: PREACH to that

[Betty⭐️]: didn't you try to act straight for like 10 years

[Cheryl🍒]: and that's why I was so depressed

[Toni🐍]: yup I love you

[Cheryl🍒]: 😘 I love you too babe

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: My Heart went💖 💨❤️🧡💛💚💙❤️🧡💛💚💙

5:00 pm

[Veronica🔪]: hey y'all

[Sweet pea☁️]: what now

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: can't wait to hear what you have to say!

[Betty⭐️]: that was sarcasm right?

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: your learning my child

[Jughead🍔]: so your my dad now

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: don't make this weird forsythe

[Cheryl🍒]: can you please continue veronica

[Veronica🔪]: thank you cheryl

[Veronica🔪]: so Halloween is soon

[Toni🐍]: There's still a whole month

[Veronica🔪]: HALLOWEEN

[Veronica🔪]: IS

[Veronica🔪]: SOON

[Toni🐍]: alright it's soon. Why does this matter

[Cheryl🍒]: I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that so I can still love you


[Veronica🔪]: HOW DARE YOU TONI

[Fangs🐶]: what's happening

[Toni🐍]: I don't know

[Veronica🔪]: and you call me a crackhead

[Veronica🔪]:HOW do you not care about Halloween

[Toni🐍]: i never said I didn't care

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: it was implied tho

[Cheryl🍒]: how could you NOT care about Halloween!

[Toni🐍]: I do care

[Sweet pea☁️]: you three are scary when mad

[Veronica🔪]: anyways so I wanted to plan a Halloween party for us all

[Archie🏈]: am I invited

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: no

[Veronica🔪]: yes. You are

[Cheryl🍒]: we should have the party at my place

[Toni🐍]: what about the devil?

[Cheryl🍒]: she's gone the whole month of October. Probably for some satanic summoning.

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I wish I was alone a whole month

[Fangs🐶]: you'd probably just stay in your room

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: you didn't have to attack me like that

[Veronica🔪]: okay so party is at Cheryl's. Everyone should wear costumes

[Toni🐍]: okay

[Betty⭐️]: I'm so excited now

[Cheryl🍒]: it's the best time of the year

[Veronica]: all fax

[kevin🏳️‍🌈]: don't say it. Please

[Veronica🔪]: no printer

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I hate you

[Veronica🔪]: you love me kevin

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: there's not enough paper in the world to write about how much I dislike you

[Veronica🔪]: aww you don't hate me though

[Fangs🐶]: just give up😂

[Toni🐍]: babe come over pea and fangs are boring

[Cheryl🍒]: I'll be right there

[Fangs🐶]: you know we're in this chat

[Toni🐍]: it's the truth though.

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