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Rivergays minus Cheryl

[toni🐍]: Guys it's been 2 days since I've heard from Cheryl

[Veronica🔪]: Maybe next time you should tell your girlfriend and your friend Betty. Bitch

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Veronica be quiet. Don't listen to her. I'm sure Cheryl will text you

[Toni🐍]: that's what fangs and sweet pea told me 2 days ago

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I haven't talked to her in a while either now that you mention it

[Veronica🔪]: Ha losers

[Toni🐍]: well miss psycho have you talked with her

[Veronica🔪]: you know I can't remember but I think a little $$ might help


[Veronica🔪]: ugh your no fun and yes I was FaceTiming her like an hour ago

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: wow you actually helped for once

[Veronica🔪]: feels weird

[Toni🐍]: did she mention me at all

[Veronica🔪]: I mean I do recall hearing the name Toni and then how fucking stupid she is

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: you probably said that to Cheryl

[Veronica🔪]: well yeah but she agreed

[Toni🐍]: okay so Cheryl hates me. Great

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: k you know what I need my couple happy again

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: one second

Chat with Kevin and Cheryl
3:56 pm

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Bitch wake tf up

[Cheryl🍒]: I was up

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: no you dumb hoe I mean open your eyes and look around.

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: your girlfriend is swooning at your feet begging to talk to you and you waste your time talking with queen crazy

[Cheryl🍒]: how am I supposed to trust her if she won't even tell me shit

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: give her another chance pleaseeeeeee

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: my favourite gay 🥺

[Cheryl🍒]: I hate you

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: love ya bitch

Chat with Toni and Cheryl
4:03 pm

[Cheryl🍒]: hi

[Toni🐍]: hey

[Cheryl🍒]: ...

[Toni🐍]: look I'm sorry

[Cheryl🍒]: oh are you?

[Toni🐍]: yes Cheryl I am. I'm so sorry

[Toni🐍]: I'm sorry that I hurt you, that I hurt your trust for me.

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