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Lame part of riverdale
10:20 am

[Veronica🔪]: hello people who I have to communicate with every morning

[Jughead🍔]: you know you have a choice

[Veronica🔪]: go back to being emo kid

[Toni🐍]: is there something wrong veronica

[Veronica🔪]: yes there is Antoinette

[Toni🐍]: you could've just used my normal name

[Veronica🔪]: I'm trying to make a point

[Archie🏈]: Wait Toni's real name is Antoinette

[Cheryl🍒]: get to your point please Veronica I'm trying to listen in class

[Veronica🔪]: my problem is I'm bored

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: that's it

[Betty⭐️]: Veronica focus we're learning something important

[Veronica🔪]: no. Important is this topic on how to fix boredom

[Toni🐍]: preach

[Archie🏈]: do you have an idea because this teacher is giving me mean looks idk why

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I wonder why...

[Betty⭐️]: I wish you could feel the disappointment I feel

[Veronica🔪]: for once I agree

[Toni🐍]: the only thing keeping me sane is how cute Cheryl looks when she is focusing

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Toni

[Toni🐍]: yes?

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: choni is keeping me sane. thank you

[Toni🐍]: your welcome

[Veronica🔪]: GUYS!!

[Betty⭐️]: yes please continue

[Veronica🔪]: I say we all skip and go to pops

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: If choni goes I'll go

[Toni🐍]: If Cheryl goes I'll go

[Cheryl🍒]: I gotta keep my perfect gpa sorry

[Toni🐍]: I'll go, Cheryl's cuteness can only keep me awake so long in class

[Cheryl🍒]: can my kisses keep you in class

[Toni🐍]: your at another desk

[Cheryl🍒]: if you stay, give me 5 minutes to finish and you and me can go take a trip to janitors closet



[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I'm staying then

[Veronica🔪]: ugh your boring

[Betty⭐️]: I'll go

[Veronica🔪]: SHOOK

[Betty⭐️]: Archie said he'll come too

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: why doesn't he say so himself

[Betty⭐️]: he got his phone taken Away

[Jughead🍔]: I guess I'll go, I could use a burger

[Veronica🔪]: of course you could

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: actually I'm coming, I don't really wanna know what happens in the closet with choni

[Veronica🔪]: your paying kev

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: why I'm broke

[Veronica🔪]: you were last

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: but Jughead orders the whole menu

[Veronica🔪]: ughhhhh your so annoying

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