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Private chat with Cheryl and Toni
10:37 am

[Toni🐍]:Babbbbeeeee 😫

[Cheryl🍒]: Tonnnniiiii

[Toni🐍]: I need you here like right fucking now

[Cheryl🍒]: tt only like two more hours left

[Toni🐍]: but that's so long away and I miss you, your not leaving my bed for the whole weekend unless with me

[Cheryl🍒]: you've been so needy lately

[Toni🐍]: that's because i love you

[Cheryl🍒]: you love me!?

[Toni🐍]: of course I do, ever since i texted you and I knew I didn't want to let you go.

[Toni🐍]: Cheryl blossom, I love you. You don't have to say it back

[Cheryl🍒]: omg I love you too, but fuck you for not waiting till I got back

[Cheryl🍒]: if I was there right now you'd be getting jumped with kisses

[Toni🐍]: Damn you and that Ariana grande trip

[Cheryl🍒]: Can this crack head named Veronica drive any slower. Like fuck nana rose can drive faster

[Toni🐍]: yup I love you

Lame part of riverdale
10:57 am

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: alright everyone when we get back nobody goes near Cheryl or Toni's house

[Betty⭐️]: whys that

[Veronica🔪]: well you see there betty Cheryl and Toni will be fucking for the whole weekend

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: way to be subtle

[Veronica🔪]: thank you

[Cheryl🍒]: we will not be fucking the whole weekend

[Toni🐍]: we'll be fucking the whole week

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: and I oop-

[Veronica🔪]: Toni is so horny lmao Cheryl is gunna be sore plus her sunburn

[Reggie☠️]: RIP Cheryl

[Cheryl🍒]: who says I'm the one getting fucked

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: aren't you

[Cheryl🍒]: No

[Toni🐍]: fuck yes

[Cheryl🍒]: Your very annoying

[Toni🐍]: Noooo I'm your favourite

[Cheryl🍒]: I mean yes but no

[Toni🐍]: Your cute

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: 👀

[Veronica🔪]: 👀

11:05 pm

[Veronica🔪]: spill now choni

[Toni🐍]: Spill what

[Veronica🔪]: You know fucking what if you don't tell me I'll Rip you to pieces

[Toni🐍]: should you be watching the road, you know on when on crack your reaction time is slowed

[Veronica🔪]: Fuck you were at a stop, now tell me

[Cheryl🍒]: I don't know what your talking about Veronica

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: they did something, Cheryl is being polite

[Cheryl🍒]: I'm am so polite

[Toni🐍]: That's cute that you think that babe

[Cheryl🍒]: you love it

[Veronica🔪]: what's going on you guys are being Offaly close and lesbaning a lot more then you usually are

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: what if they got married

[Cheryl🍒]: we didn't get married

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: who's name would you take?

[Veronica🔪]: who had the less crazy bloodline

[Cheryl🍒]: Toni's duh

[Toni🐍]: I love you


[Veronica🔪]: SOMEON GRAB THE CHAMPAIGN!! We celebrating

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I'm going to pass out, OMG you guys said I love you!!!!!!!

[Veronica🔪]: Yup now for sure nobody bothers them all week they really will be fucking

[Cheryl🍒]: why you all so invested in me fucking toni

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: other way around

[Toni🐍]: yeah I'm top but your cute

[Cheryl🍒]: Ugh

[Toni🐍]: Love you


[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Keep saying I love you Toni

[Veronica🔪]: I will not be sad when I strangle you and you cannot make it to choni's wedding

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: have you ever been checked out by a physiatrist?

[Veronica🔪]: maybe, maybe not

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