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2:13 pm

[Veronica🔪]: hey Cheryllllllll

[Cheryl🍒]: yes...?

[Veronica🔪]: wanna come over and watch movies with me and Kev?

[Cheryl🍒]: I can't :(

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Cheryl please don't leave me with her!

[Veronica🔪]: your the one that asked to come

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: because everyone else is busy

[Veronica🔪]: you don't even talk with others

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: k whatever. Cheryl please

[Cheryl🍒]: no like I seriously can't I'm with cousin Betty

[Veronica🔪]: okay... so bring her

[Cheryl🍒]: she's not really in the mood right now


[Veronica🔪]: TELL US!!

[Cheryl🍒]: jugrat cheated on her



[Cheryl🍒]: ugh fine. Just don't mention him because she's really upset

Conversation with Cheryl and Toni
3:45 pm

[Toni🐍]: how is Betty doing?

[Cheryl🍒]: she's doing as best as she can

[Toni🐍]: that's good...

[Cheryl🍒]: wait how do you know?

[Toni🐍]: jughead told me he was cheating

[Cheryl🍒]: and you never told me!

[Toni🐍]: he didn't want people knowing

[Cheryl🍒]: oh so you just thought let's not tell Betty he's cheating

[Toni🐍]: it wasn't my place to say anything

[Cheryl🍒]: OF COURSE IT IS! If you know someone's cheating you say something

[Toni🐍]: he said he was going to tell Betty

[Cheryl🍒]: when did he tell you that?

[Toni🐍]: a week and a half ago

[Cheryl🍒]: YOU KNEW A WEEK AGO!? You've got to be fucking kidding me Toni

[Toni🐍]: okay but he still told her Cheryl I don't know why your getting so mad

[Cheryl🍒]: because bettys my friend and yours too, she has the right to know

[Toni🐍]: jugheads my friend too

[Toni🐍]: plus it was just a week he didn't tell her not like it was a month

[Cheryl🍒]: so if you cheated on me you wouldnt tell me right away you'd wait a week and a half

[Toni🐍]: Cheryl you know that's not what I meant

[Cheryl🍒]: do I know that?

[Toni🐍]: okay now your just being childish

[Cheryl🍒]: this conversation reminds me of a bulldog and a shitzu

[Toni🐍]: ??

[Cheryl🍒]: Bullshit!

[Toni🐍]: Cheryl Cmon

[Cheryl🍒]: Im sorry, your message could not get to Cheryl. This is an automated response to bull crap. Cheryl will no longer be getting your messages due to Veronica having her phone. Don't text or call!

3 musketeers
5:00 pm

[Toni🐍]: have any of you seen Cheryl

[Sweetpea☁️]: no

[Fangs🐶]: I think she's with Kevin and Veronica at bettys

[Toni🐍]: ugh ok

[Fangs🐶]: why wassup

[Toni🐍]: it's fine she's just mad

[Sweetpea☁️]: ?

[Toni🐍]: I didn't tell her that jughead cheated on Betty

[Sweetpea☁️]: that's fucked

[Toni🐍]: right

[Sweetpea☁️]: no I mean it's fucked you didn't tell her

[Fangs🐶]: yeah I gotta agree with pea

[Toni🐍]: guys it wasn't my place to say anything

[Sweetpea☁️]: it kinda was though

[Fangs🐶]: yeah usually when someone cheats you tell the person they cheated on

[Toni🐍]: yeah I know but jugs my friend and I just I dunno

[Sweetpea☁️]: but Cheryl's your girlfriend and Betty is her best friend/ cousin

[Fangs🐶]: unless you and jughead fucked and both cheated

[Toni🐍]: shut up


[Toni🐍]: no dipshit I would never

[Fangs🐶]: good I got scared

[Sweetpea☁️]: you my friend are very stupid

[Toni🐍]: yeah you think.

[Sweetpea☁️]: do you want me to text Cheryl

[Toni🐍]: no, well i don't know

[Fangs🐶]: she'll text you eventually

[Toni🐍]: god I hope so

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