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Private chat with Toni and Cheryl
10:08 am

[Toni🐍]: babe I miss you!

[Cheryl🍒]: tt it's only been 2 hours since I left

[Toni🐍]: yeah but you should be here in my bed sleeping with me next to you not in a car

[Cheryl🍒]: I miss you too. Don't worry I'll be back before you know it and then I can stay in that bed with you for as long as you want

[Toni🐍]: will you text me every hour

[Cheryl🍒]: don't you think that's a bit much

[Toni🐍]: no, I need to make sure your okay

[Cheryl🍒]: fine

[Toni🐍]: I should've came so you and me could have a room to ourselves

[Cheryl🍒]: actually it's one room with two beds but it's really nice

[Toni🐍]: who's in what bed

[Cheryl🍒]: originally Betty was going to sleep in my bed but Kevin refused to sleep with Veronica so now veronica is in my bed and fangs on the couch

[Toni🐍]: ya never mind I'm happy I'm not there

[Cheryl🍒]: 😒 were at the hotel I'll text later

[Toni🐍]: ok bye babe

Lame part of riverdale
11:15 am

[Veronica🔪]: hey we're all still alive you guys

[Jughead🍔]: I'm pretty sure nobody asked

[Betty⭐️]: you should be concerned, Veronica was the one driving

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I thought we were riding a mechanical bull at one point

[Veronica🔪]: I should have left you at the gas station like I originally did

[Sweet pea☁️]: how do you accidentally leave someone

[Veronica🔪]: who said it was an accident

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I'm going to be killed by the end of this trip

[Cheryl🍒]: that's only if you keeping bringing beef jerky into the car

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: beef jerky is good though

[Fangs🐶]: why'd you let him come veronica

[Veronica🔪]: more gays I guess

2:20 pm

[Veronica🔪]: Hey toniiiiii

[Toni🐍]: I'm scared

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I would run while you still can

[Veronica🔪]: funny, but have you seen Cheryl's outfit yet

[Toni🐍]: no why

[Veronica🔪]: I'll show you

[Cheryl🍒]: ughhh v I was gunna show her


[Toni🐍]: HOT DAMNNN🥵

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[Toni🐍]: HOT DAMNNN🥵

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I told this is a concert and not the Grammys and she just flipped me off

[Toni🐍]: good because she looks fine as hell

[Cheryl🍒]: it's kind of underdressed don't you think

[Toni🐍]: if you were with me you'd definitely be underdressed😏😉

[Veronica🔪]: YOU GUYS IM ABOUT TI DIE #Choni is getting under the sheets

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: I feel like this is all you worry about 24/7

[Veronica🔪]: I had a dream about you guys once

[Cheryl🍒]: oh god

[Veronica🔪]: you guys pushed me off a slide

[Cheryl🍒]: that wasn't a dream, you were on some kids slide and he was tryna go down

[Toni🐍]: I'm pretty sure you were either drunk or on crack

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: probably both

[Veronica🔪]: actually it was neither

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: typical Veronica for you

[Cheryl🍒]: guys we're going to be late and I need my picture with ari

Private chat with Toni and Cheryl
3:00 pm

[Toni🐍]: Cheryl

[Toni🐍]: Cher

[Toni🐍]: princess

[Toni🐍]: baby

[Cheryl🍒]: yes Toni

[Toni🐍]: I like how you answer to baby only

[Cheryl🍒]: what can I say it's hot when you call me that

[Toni🐍]: you know what else is hot... you, can I have a selfie

[Cheryl🍒]: if you insist


[Toni🐍]: Are you even a real human

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[Toni🐍]: Are you even a real human

[Toni🐍]: my god your beautiful

[Cheryl🍒]: your cute

[Toni🐍]: have fun at the concert

AN/: sorry about the group chat changing very quick this is kinda a filler but also not idk anyways hope you enjoyed!

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