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Lame part of riverdale
2:16 pm

[Cheryl🍒]: This was literally the worst idea ever

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: care to explain

[Cheryl🍒]: I need to put on spf 1 million every 10 seconds. I'm literally going to fry

[Toni🐍]: did you bring aloe

[Veronica🔪]: no someone accidentally threw it outside the hotel window

[Betty⭐️]: ☝🏼

[Sweet Pea☁️]: of course she did

[Toni🐍]: how did you manage to do that?

[Veronica🔪]: I saw a really burnt kid down on the ground so I threw it at him to see if he needed it

[Fangs🐶]: you are really something

[Veronica🔪]: but it's really his fault because he should have thrown it back

[Toni🐍]: I always wonder who is smarter, you or Archie

[Archie🏈]: He probably will throw it back when he's done using it

[Toni🐍]: ya never mind, it's neither

5:09 pm

[Cheryl🍒]: I hate myself

[Veronica🔪]: yeah your kind of stupid

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: what's wrong now

[Veronica🔪]: sorry toni you and Cheryl probably won't get to do anything when she gets back

[Toni🐍]: please tell me your not taking her away again

[Cheryl🍒]: no I'm burnt

[Veronica🔪]: she probably won't be able to move at all

[Toni🐍]: you've got to be kidding me, did you not put sunscreen on!

[Cheryl🍒]: I did but I forgot I'm like paper and the sun is fire, I burn quick

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: poor Toni won't get laid

[Reggie☠️]: I mean I could always help out toni😉

[Toni🐍]: I understand that your have very little common sense but, I. Don't. Like. You.

[Toni🐍]: besides Cheryl is most likely way better at everything

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: WOAH WOAH WOAH. Cheryl tops?!

[Veronica🔪]: No fucking way

[Sweet pea☁️]: I've seen Cheryl mad, she defiantly tops

[Toni🐍]: I top duh she's just good at all the other things and every once in a while she does

[Veronica🔪]: Cheryl topping is a turn on for sure

[Toni🐍]: Watch it!

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: yeah v she's taken and your bisexual we get it

[Cheryl🍒]: alright y'all can stop talking about my sex life and Toni topping

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: HA! She admitted Toni tops

[Toni🐍]: it's been knew!

[Cheryl🍒]: shut up

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: Cheryl your just meant to be bottom

[Cheryl🍒]: just remember your sleeping in my bed

[Kevin🏳️‍🌈]: ...

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