Self Doubt/ A New Nightmare and NightTerror

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*they're all surrounded by the Nightmare Forces*

Twilight- *concerned* Well, this is a little creepy.

Pinkie/Bubble- *worried* Way creepy.

Applejack/AJ- *creeped out* Um, a little critter help here Shy and Scotch?

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *worried* We're out of bravery for the day...

Rainbow- *glares* You guys want some more!

Blitz- *glares* Well, we aren't afraid of you!

ShadowFright- *sinisterly* Aw, but some of you are afraid. Isn't that true...Luna and Artemis? Is that what you two are going by now?

Luna/Artemis- Those are our names, our past as Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula are long gone.

ShadowFright- *flows to them* But there is something that you both fear...

General- *sinisterly* Come back as Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula and we will spare your friends.

Luna/Artemis- *concerned*

ShadowFright- *evilly* After all they've done for you, this is how you two will repay them? Tsk. Tsk. Of course you two know our other alternative.

Luna- *worried* No! You can't. These ponies saved us. Rarity and Elusive saved us.

Artemis- *worried* We will go-

Twilight/Dusk- *stands in front of them protectively with a serious glare* You two aren't going anywhere!

*the others get in defensive stances surrounding Luna and Artemis*

Rainbow- *smirks* Yeah, like we're gonna let some goth—loving bunny take more of our friends?

Blitz- *agrees* Yeah! That's not happening!

Applejack/AJ- *determined* Darn tootin'!

Pinkie/Bubble- *smiles* Absolutely!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *nods bravely* That's right!

Spike/Barbra- Yeah!

Luna/Artemis- *looks at them in shock* We're your friends?

Pinkie/Bubble- *smirks* Well, duh!

Fluttershy- *sincerely* We all trust you-we know that you two would never lie to us.

Luna/Artemis- *worried* (But we have lied to them...)

ShadowFright- *smirks* Well, I see you two have some real friends here. Friends that would do anything for you.

General- *notices* Larry, look at these little dragons!

ShadowFright- *creates a mallet and smacks the general on the head*

Mane 4/Colt 4/Spike/Barbra- *snickering quietly*

General- *in pain* Sorry, ShadowFright...

ShadowFright- *glares at the ponies* ...and these ponies won't be dissuaded

Rainbow/Blitz- *puts their hooves up ready to fight* No way!

ShadowFrright- *serious to Luna and Artemis* This is your last chance "Luna and Artemis" before they find out what you two let happen...

Luna/Artemis- *looks down in worry*

ShadowFright- *smirks* Well, my pony friends, I can see that we will not be able to make an arrangement...luckily, we came prepared. We will get the kingdom we were promised!

*the nightmare forces swirl into a black cloud of smoke*

*two pairs of blue dragon eyes emerge from them*

*the nightmare forces disperse to reveal two unicorns that are Celestia and Solaris' height, have black coats and purple and white flowing manes and tails, and three diamond sparkling stars as cutie marks*

Mane 5/Colt 5/Spike/Barbra/Luna/Artemis- *looks in worry*

ShadowFright- *proclaims* Now the Elements Of Harmony will be destroyed forever and Ponyville will be defenseless! Meet our new King and Queen- Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive!

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