On The Way To The Moon

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*on the outskirts of Ponyville, the Mane 5, Colt 5, Royal Siblings and Spike and Barbra are gathering things*

Fluttershy- *worried* I sure hope Rarity and Elusive are okay!

Butterscotch- *concerned* I can't imagine anything scarier than being kidnapped and taken to a nightmare dreamscape.

Dusk- *reassures them* Don't worry.

Twilight- *reassures them* I'm sure Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris have a plan!

*Applejack puts down a lasso and everyone looks at it*

Applejack- *looks at everyone* Y'all know that's just a regular lasso, right?

AJ- *looks at them* It ain't nothin' special.

Twilight- *smiles* We'll see about that!

Dusk- *nods to Celestia and Solaris*

Celestia- *levitates the lasso* Along with Luna and Artemis' powers over the moon, we should be able to shorten the trip for all of you.

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- Oooh!

Pinkie/Bubble- *excited* We're jump-roping to the moon?!

Celestia- *throws the lasso and it snags onto the moon*

Mane 4/Colt 4/Spike/Barbra- *grabs the rope*

Celestia/Luna/Twilight/Dusk/Solaris/Artemis- *activates their magic*

*they all start pulling the moon closer to Equestria*

Luna- *struggling* Careful...using our powers to bring the moon closer to the Earth is harder than we imagined.

Rainbow- *pulling* We're right there with ya, sister!

Celestia/Solaris- Everyone concentrate!

Blitz- *concerned* Well, if we don't move this moon we'll have heavier problems than apple carts!

AJ- *thinks* We could actually use a few enchanted apple carts during harvest season.

Applejack- Whaddya think, Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris?

Pinkie/Bubble- *banging a drum* Then let's get our cutie booties into high gear and pull!

*the moon gets pulled to Equestria and everypony stops*

Solaris- *smiles* That's it! Well done our ponies.

Celestia- *smiles* We will begin to prepare Ponyville. Good luck! *ties the lasso to a stump* The wingless ponies will have to use sure footing...

Rainbow/Blitz- *shocked* Whoa!

Pinkie/Bubble- *shocked* Double whoa!

*the fliers take into the sky*

Luna- *to them* *concerned* This is your last chance to change your minds. Remember, the dark forces that took Rarity and Elusive will use all of their power to scare you.

Artemis- *concerned* They will unravel you with your worst fears. Hopefully it's not too late...

Twilight/Dusk/Applejack/AJ- *hoofbumps*

Twilight- *determined* When we're together, the Elements Of Harmony can overcome anything.

Applejack- *determined* As long as we get Rarity and Elusive back, it'll turn out just dandy.

Twilight/Dusk- *determined* Let's do this!

*they each slowly go on the tightrope*

Twilight/Dusk- *walking across* Well, that's one small step for ponies one giant leap for ponykind!

Pinkie/Bubble- *walking across with shades on*

Applejack/AJ- *worriedly walking across* Just keep your eyes forward. Do not think about that gosh-darn-deep-darkness-down below.

Rainbow/Blitz- *flying* Are you kidding! This is awesome!

Pinkie/Bubble- *happily* In space no one can hear you squee!

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *worried* Not helping you two!

Applejack- *sees Spike and Barbra with armor on and carrying lances, shields, and their fire ruby's* Uh...Spike, Barbra, you guys sure all of that is really necessary?

Spike/Barbra- *serious* We need to be prepared for anything! This is Rarity and Elusive's safety we're talking about!

AJ- *concerned* But aren't you guys worried about the weight and how it might be a bit too heavy?

Spike/Barbra- *jumps on* Nonsense! This is knot is as solid as-

*the rope snaps sending the wingless ponies falling and screaming*

Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *worriedly squees*

Pinkie/Bubble- They were wrong! We totally heard that!

Rainbow- *grabs Pinkie*

Blitz- *grabs Bubble*

Fluttershy- *grabs Applejack*

Butterscotch- *grabs AJ*

Twilight- *grabs the back of Bubble's hoof*

Dusk- *grabs Twilight's hoof*

AJ- *grabs AJ's backhoof*

Spike/Barbra- *holding onto Twilight and Dusk's tails*

*their fire rubies fall*

Spike/Barbra- *screams* NOOO!

Twilight/Dusk- *levitates their fire rubies*

Luna/Artemis- *levitates everyone down*

Spike/Barbra- *hugs Twilight and Dusk* You guys are the best!

*they all land on the the dark side of the moon*

Rainbow/Blitz- *sarcastic* Finding Rarity and Elusive in the pitch black? No problem at all!

Twilight- We'll take care of that!

*Twilight, Dusk, Luna, Artemis activates their horns to light the way*

Artemis- *serious* Now we must hurry, they'll know we're here!

Twilight- *concerned* And who is "they" exactly?

Luna- *serious* When the nightmare energy came back to life, it needed a form to take.

Pinkie/Bubble- *with their shades on* So dark.

Rainbow/Blitz- *glares at them* Take those off.

Artemis- *sadly* Unfortunately, the peaceful inhabitants of the moon became its victims and are now trapped under its spell. 

*the others look in worry*

Fluttershy- *worried* How can they do that to sweet little animals?!

Luna/Artemis- *solemn* They aren't sweet anymore...

*the group starts walking*

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