Plans Coming Into Fruition

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*at the Nightmare Castle, Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive are looking out the balcony*

Nightmare Rarity- *serious* There will be no mistakes! We must strike while those meddling ponies are locked away!

ShadowFright- But, my Queen aren't the ponies still a threat?

Nightmare Rarity- *rolls eyes* Oh, my dear Larry. My dear, simple, unamusing Larry. We picked these vessels for a reason-to render the Elements Of Harmony powerless!

ShadowFright- *questions* Supreme ones, may I ask why you chose these ponies in particular? Those yellow ones seemed like an easier option, or why not go after the purple ones, they are the strongest of the twelve.

General- It was their manes right? Those ponies Rarity and Elusive had great hair.

NightTerror- *admits* Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine were mentally too strong for us to take a hold of. If we would have...*darkly* Ponyville would've fallen by now. We chose Rarity and Elusive specifically. They had, shall we say, self-esteem issues?

ShadowFright- Don't we all.

Nightmare Rarity- *serious* We needed beings that were pliable. Rarity and Elusive were so eager to help. So generous with their gifts, but they had deep dark secrets. We were sure they would cave.

ShadowFright- *admits* They were stronger than we had hoped.

NightTerror- *admits* Well, sometimes a little force is necessary.

Spike/Barbra- *hiding in the bushes*

ShadowFright- *realizes* And what do we do with the prisoners once we're victorious?

Nightmare Rarity- *bored* For now leave them in the dungeon...

Spike- *quietly* The dungeon, at least they're here...

Barbra- *nods*

NightTerror- *smirks* Or we could lock them up and throw away the key!

*the four laugh*

ShadowFright- Ha! Good one my King.

General- *looks around in concern* Err...key? I know I had one a minute ago.

*Spike and Barbra sneak into the castle with the slugs*

Barbra- *to Spike* We'll save them first, then we'll save Rarity and Elusive from that...pollution!

Spike- *looks around* Dungeon has to be downstairs right?

ShadowFright- *angrily to the general* How could you have lost the key?!

General- *worried* I didn't lose it! I misplaced it! I'll find it! I swear!

ShadowFright- *glares* Find it our you'll be joining those ponies!

*the general goes to look for they key but hears singing and looks around to see nothing there and keeps going*

Spike/Barbra- *camouflaged by the slugs* *sees that the coast is clear* We gotta hurry! *goes the other way* Talk about a deep dark dank dungeon!

*the two come to an archway and go through it and look in awe at what they see*

Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive Where stories live. Discover now