Lunar Royals Come To Aid

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*back at the library*

Spike/Barbra- *in a crying heap*

Twilight- We're writing a message to Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris right now. They'll know what to do...I hope.

Pinkie- *concerned* That icky stuff looked really familiar!

Applejack- *concerned* Pinkie's right, I saw it in my nightmares too.

*the others agree*

Dusk- *thinks* So there has to be a link between this...stuff and our bad dreams. It makes sense.

Rainbow- *stops him* *confused* Let me get this straight, you're telling me that this glorified smog go into our brains?

Pinkie/Bubble- *holding onto an unamused Applejack and AJ* *gasps* Brains? Zombies!

Butterscotch- *concerned* Where do we begin?

Twilight- *realizes* Princess Luna and Prince Artemis! They're the protectors of dreams.

Dusk- They can help us interpret our nightmares and find Rarity and Elusive. They're our only hope. *looking around* Anypony got a scroll?

Voices- You can ask them in pony.

*they all turn to see Celestia, Solaris, and Luna and Artemis but with their light blue manes and tails*

Mane 5/Colt 5- *relieved* Princess Celestia, Prince Solaris, Princess Luna, Prince Artemis!

Celestia- *solemn* We believe a dark energy has been infiltrating your dreams. *looks at Luna and Artemis* Our siblings may be able to help.

Luna/Artemis- *looking down*

Applejack/AJ- *to her* So what in tarnation is going on here?!

Rainbow/Blitz- *to them* And more importantly, how do we get Rarity and Elusive back?!

Luna/Artemis- *taken aback*

Dusk- *serious* Boys! Girls! Give them some space, please...

*the four back up from them*

Twilight- *nods to them*

Luna- *solemn* Honestly, we don't have a clear answer for you all.

Twilight- *worried* But you two are the protectors of dreams! You two must know something! Anything!

Artemis- *serious* Only that evil, dark, forces have taken your friends into the nightmare dreamscape.

*the others look in worry*

Dusk- *concerned* But why? What evil could still exist after you two were turned back to normal?

Blitz- *serious* Let's just blast on up there and get Rarity and Elusive back!

Rainbow- *serious* We're wasting time!

Luna- It isn't that simple. You do not know what they are planning.

Fluttershy- *politely* Princess Luna, Prince Artemis, I don't mean to be rude but is there something you two need to tell us?

Luna/Artemis- *hesitant* Its troubling...

Celestia/Solaris- These ponies can be trusted, Luna and Artemis. Tell us.

Butterscotch- *calmly* Princess Luna, Prince Artemis, there's nothing to be scared of when you're surrounded by your friends.

Artemis- Thank you, Butterscotch...*to them* Something is happening.

Luna- *concerned* Something we had hoped never come to pass.

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