*back at the library*
Spike/Barbra- *in a crying heap*
Twilight- We're writing a message to Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris right now. They'll know what to do...I hope.
Pinkie- *concerned* That icky stuff looked really familiar!
Applejack- *concerned* Pinkie's right, I saw it in my nightmares too.
*the others agree*
Dusk- *thinks* So there has to be a link between this...stuff and our bad dreams. It makes sense.
Rainbow- *stops him* *confused* Let me get this straight, you're telling me that this glorified smog go into our brains?
Pinkie/Bubble- *holding onto an unamused Applejack and AJ* *gasps* Brains? Zombies!
Butterscotch- *concerned* Where do we begin?
Twilight- *realizes* Princess Luna and Prince Artemis! They're the protectors of dreams.
Dusk- They can help us interpret our nightmares and find Rarity and Elusive. They're our only hope. *looking around* Anypony got a scroll?
Voices- You can ask them in pony.
*they all turn to see Celestia, Solaris, and Luna and Artemis but with their light blue manes and tails*
Mane 5/Colt 5- *relieved* Princess Celestia, Prince Solaris, Princess Luna, Prince Artemis!
Celestia- *solemn* We believe a dark energy has been infiltrating your dreams. *looks at Luna and Artemis* Our siblings may be able to help.
Luna/Artemis- *looking down*
Applejack/AJ- *to her* So what in tarnation is going on here?!
Rainbow/Blitz- *to them* And more importantly, how do we get Rarity and Elusive back?!
Luna/Artemis- *taken aback*
Dusk- *serious* Boys! Girls! Give them some space, please...
*the four back up from them*
Twilight- *nods to them*
Luna- *solemn* Honestly, we don't have a clear answer for you all.
Twilight- *worried* But you two are the protectors of dreams! You two must know something! Anything!
Artemis- *serious* Only that evil, dark, forces have taken your friends into the nightmare dreamscape.
*the others look in worry*
Dusk- *concerned* But why? What evil could still exist after you two were turned back to normal?
Blitz- *serious* Let's just blast on up there and get Rarity and Elusive back!
Rainbow- *serious* We're wasting time!
Luna- It isn't that simple. You do not know what they are planning.
Fluttershy- *politely* Princess Luna, Prince Artemis, I don't mean to be rude but is there something you two need to tell us?
Luna/Artemis- *hesitant* Its troubling...
Celestia/Solaris- These ponies can be trusted, Luna and Artemis. Tell us.
Butterscotch- *calmly* Princess Luna, Prince Artemis, there's nothing to be scared of when you're surrounded by your friends.
Artemis- Thank you, Butterscotch...*to them* Something is happening.
Luna- *concerned* Something we had hoped never come to pass.
Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive
AventuraThe Nightmare Forces kidnap Rarity and Elusive and make them the new Nightmare Moon and NightTerror NebulaNebula after Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula get defeated.