Prepare Ponyville/The New Nightmare and NightTerror

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*meanwhile inPonyville, Celestia and Solaris are overseeing everything for Ponyville's protection*

Celestia- *to the citizens* *serious* The preparations are almost complete.

Solaris- *serious* Whatever nightmare may be coming for Ponyville, we'll be ready.

Both- *concerned* We hope. *they see the CMC*

Applebloom/Applebuck- *serious* Cutie Mark Crusaders reporting for duty!

Sweetie/Sweepy- *bravely* How can we help rescue our brother and sister?

Scootaloo- *realizes* A "saves Ponyville from certain doom" cutie mark would be so cool!

Scooteroll- *concerned* Not now, Scoots but it would be cool though...

Celestia/Solaris- *shields the boys and girls with their wings* *sincerely* Even the smallest ponies can make the biggest differences. We must hurry before-

*the dusk gets immediately turned into night as two silhouettes from the moon form into ponies*

Celestia- *worried* Our poor brother and sister, forced to be Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula once again...

*the Ponyville citizens look in worry*

Cheerilee/Smiles- *worried* Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula are back?!

Solaris- *looks closer* *looks at Celestia in concerned* They don't look like Luna or Artemis.

*meanwhile back on the moon the others are worried that Rarity and Elusive got taken over by the Nightmare and turned into Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive*

Nightmare Rarity- *admits* It's true, your powers defeated us before, little ponies, but what will you do know that we've taken two of you?

NightTerror Elusive- *sinisterly* Without all of you, your Elements Of Harmony are powerless.

Both- *slyly* Bit of a pickle, isn't it?

Rainbow- *glares* You two think you're so cool and spooky?

Blitz- *serious* Well, a storm is coming for you two!

Both- A rainbow storm!

Nightmare Rarity- *mockingly* "A storm's coming?" Ha! What do you two think this is? A Sigh Stallion film?

Twilight- *worried* Rarity? Elusive? Can you two hear us?

Dusk- *serious* You two need to fight it!

NightTerror Elusive- *glares at the two of them* You ponies are dense, aren't you? Remember those Nightmare Forces you all "destroyed" with your little Elements Of Harmony when Luna and Artemis were around? Well, guess what? You didn't do such a super job after all- they now control your, I suppose.

Nightmare Rarity- *serious* Rarity and Elusive are gone! Do we need to make a diagram or something with pictures so you can understand?

Applejack- *serious* We don't believe ya'll. Rarity and Elusive are still in there.

AJ- *serious* We're sure of it.

Pinkie- *serious* Yeah, they just need a little joggin to their noggins!

Bubble- *serious* Like something, only they would remember!

*the two walk up to Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive*

Pinkie- Liike, Rarity, Elusive remember that time we were all at the spa and the hot tub and the spa's bubbles stopped working?

Bubble- *smiles* And then we told you guys the joke about the aardvark marrying the pipe cleaner and then suddenly there were bubbles? You guys were so embarrassed you made us Pinkie and Bubble swear to never ever tell anypony?

Nightmare Rarity and NightTerror Elusive Where stories live. Discover now