1• 3am

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Jimin yawns softly fluttering his eyes open, lifting his hand attempting to shield out the Ray's of sunlight through the thin curtains of his room.

He rolled to the other side only to find it empty he pouted before rubbing his eyes getting out of the bed heading to the bathroom to do his daily routine.

He went to the kitchen hoping to find his significant other but only to find a sticky note on the table

Got called into work early today, made you some breakfast. ;) Enjoy

Love you

Xx JK.

"He forgot the I" he pouted going on and  retrieving his food out the microwave. He sat down gladly munching down on his food while scrolling through his feed.

See jimin and Jungkook have been through a lot. When Jungkook was 19 he finally came out to his parents and they did not like it his father saying he did not raise his son to be a fag.

He left his parents home and stayed at yoongi's house till he was able to afford his own apartment, not till he met jimin the apple of his eye as he likes to put it.

Jimin on the other hand has been through a hell of failed relationships that's why he didn't give in so easily to Jungkook. He just couldn't go through the heartbreak anymore, but not till he met Jungkook who just swarmed up his heart and kept it safe for 2 years. And after a year of dating the two decided to make it official by moving in together.

Jimin got a notification from hoseok saying that he'd be there to pick him up in 30 minutes.

He then got up and put his dish in the sink and quickly washing it before Rushing to their bedroom and getting ready for work.

Jimin works as a receptionist at a hotel along side hoseok and their friend  taehyung.

He hears a honk and already knowing who it was he heads out before locking and walking to hoseok's car.

"Ready?" Hoseok asks getting the car ready

"Yeah" jimin smiles buckling himself into the car with a seat belt.


"I'm sooo tired" jimin whines taking a seat in his chair, his boss hasn't been in the best of moods sending him up and down the stairs, escalators and the elevators and Jimin is more than ready to go home.

"Yeah I feel ya, boss as been a pain in the ass today" hoseok groans Walking back from the printing room for the 15nth time today.

"Y'all complain too much, you even giving me a headache" taehyung buds in rolling his eyes completely done with the two's whining and complaints.

Jimin looks at his watch only 5 minutes till his shift is over, he mentally sighs stapling the brochures together and piling them neatly on his desk for the customers who walk in out of the hotel.


Jimin is just checking out of work and hoseok already checked out and waiting for him in the car, jimin heads out and steps into the car and heading home.

When he gets home he unlocks his door and frowns when he finds that it's dark meaning Jungkook isn't home yet. Jungkook is the first one to get home. Now seeing as Jungkook is nowhere to be found he goes to the bedroom and undresses and puts on some sweatpants and Jungkook's shirt.

He goes down to the kitchen and grabs a snack before plopping down on the couch sighing in the process he's too tired to cook nor switch on the tv so he decides to call it a night.

Jungkook however returns home at 3am he goes to their bedroom and spotting a lump on the bed he heads in the bathroom for a shower and the only thing that's flooding his mind is stress. He's been so stressed about work, he works as a manager at the same club he and Jimin first met, but the club isn't doing oh so well when they are facing some financial problems and the club is so close to shutting down and Jungkook swears he's gonna have a heart attack soon. And he knows just how to relieve his stress but his stress today is unbearable he feels like he's going to explode.

So he walks back into the room climbing on the bed, he's chest facing jimin's back he starts kissing jimin's neck his hand moving inside jimin's shirt pinching his nipples and Jimin stirs in his sleep Jungkook licks a long strap on jimin's neck and sucks down on the flesh.

Jimin moans his eyes flattering open and Jungkook pinches harder on his nipple

"Mhhm Jungkook, what are you doing?", Jimin couldn't help but moan louder as Jungkook pulls him closer so his boner is pressing against jimin's ass.

"Need you baby, so bad" he continues leaving hickeys on jimin's neck, jimin can feel Jungkook's hand pushing his boxers down his thighs.

Jimin hisses as the cold air brushes past his hard member and using his hands to hang on the edge of the matress and without warning Jungkook roughly enters him.

"Jung- holy fucccccck!" Jimin yells shutting his eyes very hard, he clenches hard around Jungkook's large breed and Jungkook groans at the tightness.

"Shit baby so tight" he tries to steady himself giving jimin time to adjust soon jimin pushes back signaling Jungkook to move. Jungkook starts to move slowly hitting jimin's prostate at the side angle.

Jimin clenches his eyes as Jungkook  grabs his hips tightly quickening his pace.

"J-jungkook" jimin whimpers Jungkook lifting his leg over his shoulder and deepens his thrusts.

Jungkook leans over tugging Jimin's cock pumping him up and down along with his fast thrusts and it feels so good that  jimin arches his body feeling the burning sensation down his stomach and Jungkook pumps even faster

"Jungkook!" He cums all over Jungkook's hand biting his lip

Jungkook continues to fuck him turning jimin's body over on his stomach and lifts his ass in the air and slams back causing jimin to choke on his saliva.

After five minutes Jungkook cums inside and jimin pushes his ass back milking the cum out of Jungkook's cock.

After coming from his high Jungkook then pulls out collapsing besides jimin and pulling him close so they snuggling jimin drifts off to sleep to tired to question what just happened same goes for Jungkook as he inhales jimin's fresh strawberry scented hair and slowly drifting off to sleep.

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