2• love you goodbye.

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Jimin stares at the pink stick with shaky hands and teary eyes. He hasn't been feeling well these couple of months and he's also gained extra weight so he decided to go to the clinic to get a check up but the doctor hadn't given him his results yet saying that he'll give him a call and let him know.

But somehow when he was driving back home from the clinic he couldn't get his mind off thinking that maybe he's pregnant that of course leading him to the store for a quick pregnancy test just to feed his curiosity.

which now lead him in the bathroom of their home holding the pregnancy test with two lines indicating positive.

He thinks back to when he and Jungkook last had sex which was two months ago when Jungkook came back home at 3am. He doesn't remember much about that night bc he was so tired but he did wake up with a headache and a sore butt.

Jungkook used protection right? He always uses a condom when are intimate jimin thinks to himself but before he could dwell on that he hears the door to their house opening.

"Honey I'm home~" Jungkook enters the house and he frowns when he's not met with a smiley jimin walking towards him

Jimin quickly wraps the test with a tissue and shoves it in his back pocket and heads down stairs.

Jungkook smiles when he sees his boyfriend approaching him but with a look of distress

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook asks looking at with a worried expression.

"Nothing just just had a really rough day at work" he smiles at the last sentence. What Jungkook doesn't also know is that jimin didn't go to work today he called in sick because he really was sick, he literally spent half of the day puking simply because he couldn't keep the food down for long.

"I'm sorry love, how bout we eat then watch a movie before we sleep" jimin smiles at that and pecks Jungkook's lips before heading to the kitchen and dishing out dinner.

Dinner goes smoothly and Jimin takes the empty dishes to the sink and starts washing them.

Jungkook is in the bedroom looking for a movie for both to watch just then jimin's phone rings, Jungkook ignores it for the first five seconds but the ringing continues and he grabs the phone sliding his finger to answer.


"Hi Mr park this is doctor Lee, I'm calling to give you your results and it turns out you're two months pregnant congratulations, please come again so we talk further more about the baby and the pregnancy again congratulations and have a good night"

"Yes, thank you for letting me know, you too goodnight" Jungkook hangs up putting the phone back into the charger he doesn't know how to feel at this time being. He stopped looking for the movie from the fact that he can't even think straight, his boyfriend is pregnant for fucks sake.

Jimin walks in the room finding Jungkook on the edge of the bed frowning.

"Hey, I'm done with the dishes we can watch the mov- what's wrong?" He asks his smile dropping.

"Are you pregnant?" Jungkook asks looking directly at jimin

Jimin gulps does he know? How did he find out?" Jimin couldn't help but question himself forgetting that Jungkook asked him a question.

"I asked you a question jimin I'm expecting you to at least answer" jimin cowers at Jungkook's tone and looks down to his feet before speaking.

"Yes, I'm sorry I was gonna tell yo-"

"Damnit jimin, we're not ready to have children yet" jimin flinches trying his best not to cry but won't back down

"What do you mean we're not ready?, It's not even my fault you didn't use protection last time we had sex!" Now jimin is angry

"That's because I thought you were on the pill!" Jungkook fires back.

"You see that's the problem with you, you just think without asking, and I'm have this baby and that's final!"

"I'm sorry jimin for the mistake but I'm not  mentally and financially ready for a baby" Jungkook stands up walking over to his closet.

"Don't ever say our child is a mistake! Accident yes but mistake no, you don't even have to do this alone Jungkook, you have me we can do this together please" jimin looks at Jungkook almost on the verge of a breakdown.

"Jimin! I can't okay" he takes a deep breath "I just can't i need you to understand I can't be here anymorewith you"

"Fine then LEAVE!" Jimin then storms out the room leaving Jungkook with his half packed suitcase.

Minutes later Jungkook heads down with his suitcase and finds jimin on the couch with his legs to his chest staring blanking at the blank tv.

Jungkook clears his throat but jimin doesn't look just simply stares at nothing. Jungkook sighs opening the door finding yoongi outside in his car and takes one last look at jimin.

"I'm sorry" is all he says before heading out the door and out of jimin's life.

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