28• The walls. [2]

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"Take me, make love to me"


The words were whispered softly against Jun's ear, enough to send heat rushing through his veins.

He wrapped jimin's legs around his waist and quickly stood, carrying him into his bedroom.

Jun carried jimin through the luxurious hall full of paintings and doors, and into the master bedroom and kicking the door shut behind him.

He leaned down and laid jimin down, he pulled back to look at the beautiful creation beneath him.

"We can stop here if you want" Jun said.

Jimin pushed himself up and pulled him by his neck with his arms and kissed him.

"I want this, I want you".

Jun smiled stripping jimin out of his shirt and dropping it into the floor, followed by his pants.

Jimin shifted up a little to the bed pushing off his boxers, leaving him bare.

Jun also followed stripping off all his clothes also leaving himself bare. He crawled up the bed to kneel in between jimin's soft thighs.

"You're so beautiful, can't believe you're finally mine". Jun grinned moving forward and claimed jimin's lips in a deep kiss.

The kiss lasted until they had to catch their breaths, Jun carried on by kissing down on jimin's neck.

Jimin moaned when jun sucked on his neck, his neck was the most sensitive part throughout his body.

Jun sucked and kissed his neck making jimin moan loud as his body arched up.

"Ah! Jun...kiss me please". Jun gave one last hard suck and pulled away when he was satisfied with his artwork and moved to kiss jimin.

The kiss was more gentle than the last first one, this one was filled with love and admiration.

Although the kiss didn't last long as Jun had to pull away causing jimin to let out a small whine at the loss contact.

He saw jun going through the night stand drawer and saw jun pull out a small pack of condoms and a bottle of lube.

"I have to stretch you, I can't afford to hurt my baby" Jun smirked as he saw jimin's face flushed red.

He opened the lid of the lube and poured a generous amount on his hand. He slid his hand down to jimin's hole, wetting it around before pushing in the first finger to which jimin reacted to immediately, his body arching up as he threw his head back.

He spread his legs even further giving Jun more space to manoeuvre around.

Jun kissed him once again as he added the second finger, jimin moaning in between the kiss.

"Oh God... please Jun" jimin begged as he gripped at Jun's back, nails digging into his skin.

Two fingers became three and three became four, jimin was sobbing he'd hadn't felt this needy in such a long time.

"Jun I'm ready...please" jimin hiccuped. Jun himself was impatient he pulled out the fingers out sliding on the condom and poured lube into his hand coating it around his dick.

He positioned himself in between jimin's quivering thighs.

"You ready baby?"

"Yes...been ready for you".

Jun pushed inside with a single slow stroke, until he bottomed out, both moaning in bliss.

Jun leaned forward kissing jimin slowly to distract him from the stretch of his girth.

"M-move please"

Jun stared out slowly, being careful not to hurt jimin gently shifting his hips, only pulling out till the tip and pushing in smoothly still kissing jimin and his neck.

Jimin's moans were of those soft and low, he could hear Jun's low rumbles and growls as he started to move a little faster.

Jun pulled back from jimin's neck and gripped jimin's hips and gave a sharp thrust which sent jimin crying and scrambling for purchase.

Jimin's warm, velvet walls clenched around Jun's girth as he sent blissful thrusts.

Jimin didn't know how long they had been making love, he certainly felt like it lasted forever. Hands gripping onto their sweaty skins as they both moaned and gasped sounds of pleasure as their need to release swarmed them over.

Jimin's body tensed as he was overcome with pure pleasure, his mouth hung open in a silent scream as he shot his release between their bodies.

Neither could Jun hold his release as he came into the condom, the feeling of jimin's walls clenching around him sending him into overdrive.

Once they'd come down Jun pulled out slowly, throwing away the used condom into a nearby bin, and flopped onto his back next to jimin.

He turned his neck to jimin's direction and Jimin did the same.

They stared at each other for what felt like a minute until Jun broke the silence.

"I adore you, and I'd do everything I can to protect you and Dae"

Jimin smiled feeling a little lightweight with sleep.

" Thank you" is all jimin said before his body went limp with sleep.

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