16• Something in the way

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"Hyung what the hell!"

Jimin had asked hoseok to pick daehyun up from kindergarten since he was knocking off late.

That's how he currently found daehyun at 5 in the evening covered in chocolate.

"Uh-oh" daehyun said hiding behind the Piller of the kitchen counter.

"Ok chim I can explain" hoseok said slowly and Jimin crossed his arms tapping his foot in an unrhythmic rhythm.

"He did it!!" Hoseok exclaimed pointing at Dae.

Daehyun gasped " nah ah! Liar liar pants on fire!" He yelled.

Jimin scoffed and uncrossed his arms "whatever I'm tired hyung gimme my son back" he said making grabby hands towards dae.

The five year old ran into jimin's arms and snuggled into his arms.

"Don't think you're getting away with this young man, you know the rules" jimin said sternly.

Daehyun whined "b-but mommy"

"No buts let's go it's getting late" jimin said picking him up and putting him on his hip.

"And you" jimin said turning to face hoseok.

"Aww come on chim you need to learn to loosen up a bit" hoseok said smirking.

Jimin rolled his eyes "I don't have time for this" he said walking out the door.

"See you tomorrow hyung"


"Bye sweetie , have a good day okay and behave" jimin said kissing Dae's cheeks and ran out the building. He was late for work.

"I'm here, sorry I'm late" jimin panted.

"You're 3 minute late chim" hoseok said typing something in jimin's computer.

"Sorry" jimin apologized once more before taking a seat.

"Why the fuck were you playing solitaire on my computer" jimin screeched

" I was bored and I thought you weren't coming" hoseok shrugged.

" Oh and there's a meeting before lunch, be there" hoseok said and left. 


Jimin was the first one to arrive in the board room he sighed and sat down with his notepad and pen.

Jimin was close to falling asleep as the people came in one by one filling the room.

Jimin was so out of it that he didn't even notice the person that sat next to him, that is until…

"Mr Kim"

Jimin was startled by the sound of the chair next to him being pulled back.

He looked up and saw the man that he bumped into last time.

Wait so…

"Hi everyone, my name is Kim Jun Myeon"

Jimin gasped, it took a moment for him to realize that people were looking at him while Jun myeon looked at him with a smirk and chuckled at him, he quickly mumbled a sorry smiling sheepishly.

"Most of you have seen me around, well I've been working with some of you, so in order to take the position as the CEO I want to know more about my employees. Hence is why I'm inspecting each sector. So if you see me around don't mind me" he said with a smile.

After his Introduction plus speech Jun Myeon went back to his seat next to jimin.

Jimin glanced at him and saw him looking back at jimin with a smile Jimin looked away quickly blushing that he'd been caught.

As soon as the meeting ended jimin got up hastily with his notepad clutched to his chest and ran out.

"Why you blushing" jimin stopped and glared at his friends behind him.

"Am not!" Jimin squeaked.

"Sureee" hoseok said throwing his arm around jimin's shoulder.

"Let's go eat".



Jimin looked up from his computer and his brain froze, but his body seemed to be well  awake scrambling to his feet and bowed.


"I'm not the CEO yet Jimin" Jimin picked his head up.

"H-how'd you know my name?" Jimin asked.

"I did say I want to know my employees"


"Aren't you knocking off?" Jun Myeon asked

"Ah I was just about to log off"

"Alright I won't keep you waiting I'm sure you have people waiting for you"


But it felt like he was forgetting something…

Right! Daehyun!

Jimin's eyes widened and gasped looking at his watch he'd promised to pick him up and he was late.  Now he had to prepare for a whole car ride with Dae lecturing him why he shouldn't be late next time.

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry but I really have to go now" Jimin said packing his bag in a rush but didn't notice Dae's tiny shoe drop to the floor.

He kept one of Dae's baby shoe and made it into a key ring. 

But Jun Myeon seemed to notice and he picked it up before he could give it back jimin was already out of the building.

Conflicted he stared at the shoe and smiled putting it in his pocket reminding himself to return it back to Jimin.

The way I've been delaying this chapter. Sorry! T_T

visuals  of our dear Kim Jun Myeon.

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