Astrid Fury and Alix

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I realised how difficult it was to move towards her. I could feel the air moving around her, pushing everything away from her. I could feel my body regenerating furiously, healing factor in overdrive. What am I doing? I dunno. But I'm tired and I want dinner. So I'm going to end this. Not in the way I usually do either.

"Hey!" I yelled, the pounding voices in my head were being shut out. She turned to look at me with eyes that glowed red-hot, and I avoided her eyes. I would rather retain my vision. I could feel the suit ripping though. Well I'd better make this quick.

"Alix, relax! Calm down for the love of whatever is up there! Please. I get that you're pissed, but you got to calm down." The wind relaxed. I made a fatal mistake then. I tried to grab her and looked into her eyes.

"HOLY HELL THIS BURNS!" I could hear a terrible sound, like an animal being brutally slaughtered. Then I realised it was me. Actually screaming in pain. Great. Touching her burns. Like acid, but worse. But it's pretty much the only option.

You can recover. Painful, but would you rather that she destroys the office and then hear Fury's Fury?

"Sometimes I hate you." I mutter, grabbing her. The searing pain of my melting skin was immediately ignored, like how I always had. It was agony. But the wind was slowing. And it was cooling down, it burned less and less.

And then it stopped.

So does she. Alix dropped down to her knees, and I nearly groped her. Not that she really had anything to grope. I glanced behind me, still holding on to her. There weren't many people left, just Logan, Kitty, Peter and of course, Pirate Angry. And they were all staring at me.

"Hey guys. I think I stopped it. But now I need a new suit." I said, glancing to notice half of the suit was ripped. My regenerating was a little slow, I don't think I'm really used to recovering from acid attacks. It's still something I feel, the skin stretching over me. Fury cleared his thorat then.

"Wolverine, Shadowcat, Storm and Parker, you are dismissed. Deadpool, with me. And bring Astrid with you. We're taking her to medical wing." His voice was strained. I think seeing Alix almost melt down his entire office shocked him. I wonder if he had ever experienced it before. I doubt it. His sleeves had been nearly completely ripped off. But his skin remained untouched.

Don't look in my eyes...

Is that why she told me not to look in her eyes? Because it would melt me? But I did that, didn't I? Did touching her do the same thing? I looked at Fury, wondering what to ask first. In the meantime, let's hand her over to the medical wing.

*** *** ***

"Don't look in my eyes- Petrified- You'd turn to stone."

I tried to speak, but he just smiled back.

"I was just like you I was scared of living life

So scared that I would turn completely stone.

Living in a world where no one is ever scared

Now wouldn't that be nice?"

*** *** ***

And so Fury and I stared into the glass pane where we both could see her with a drip and medical clothes I can't be bothered to remember what it's called.

Me neither.

"I think you'd like some answers. I owe you one after all. When she goes into that state... I can't control her any more. Nobody can. Even herself." Nick speaks before I could answer my brain. How lovely.

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