9- classes

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Like usual, the day started off with them all outside in the school yard. "I'm sooo boredddd" Felix whined.

"Why don't you go play with Changbin." Seungmin spoke.

"I- what do you mean?" Felix questioned.

"You're bored, so go fuck Changbin or something." Seungmin said unbothered.

Felix looks at Seungmin and makes a disgusted face. "I would never! We aren't even dating"

"YOU DIDNT DENY YOU WOULD THOUGHHHH" Jisung came running out of nowhere.

"I- ism$8$'djj" Felix was clearly embarrassed by this. His whole face, ears and neck where red.

"Who broke Felix again.?" Changbin was the next to join their little circle. He rubbed Felix's head/ ears inside his hat to calm him down from whatever just happened.

"They told me to go fuck you ;0;" Felix pouted.

"And..? What did you say?" The shortest questioned.

"I said that we aren't dating"

" well not yet at least" Changbin wink wonked at Felix.

"Ok, so it's either Changbin and Felix like each other or they actually are dating" Minho now joined the conversation.

"Changbin and Felix sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G fir-." Jeongin sang but got cut of by me. I mean.. I did like Felix but this stuff is embarrassing.

"JEONGIN!!!" Felix almost screeched making half of use cover our ears.

"Holy shit kid you're so loud!" Jisung whines.

"Language! There is a baby here!" Woojin yelled at Jisung and pointed to Jeongin.

"I am not a baby!" He pouted moving into Chans arms.

"AND IM NOT A KID! I may be a day younger than you but still!" Felix complained.

"You guys are such kids. Why am I even friends with you guys again?" Sighed Minho.

"Yeah yeah love you too." Jisung sarcastically said.

"Anyways the bell is going to ring soon so I gotta blast" Chan said and naruto ran out of there.

Bell rings

"FUCK SCHOOOOOOOL" Felix yelled walking into the school doors along with his friends.

"LANGUAGE" Woojin yelled from the other side of the school.

"How the fuck can he hear me from there?" Felix asked Jisung walking into their class.

"Mr.Lee language!" Mr.Park yelled.

"Sorry.." Felix bowed and sat next to Jisung.


"I don't understand shit" Jisung whispered to Felix.

"Me neither dude"

"Like, how the fuck does long division even work" Jisung slumped in his chair.

The two boys kept complaining most of class and completely forgot to take notes and or even listen. But of course, Felix could hear pretty clear what the teacher was saying. Cause of his ears. Yeah, they might be covered up but he can still hear just fine.

It was now the end of the first period and the whole group practically sprinted to meet each other.

"Story time!" Jeongin says.

"Me and Jisung just complained the whole class." Felix said sitting on the grass. Yeah, they where allowed to go outside for their lunch.

"I'm not even surprised anymore. You two will fail math I swear." Chan sighed.

"Nah not me! I heard everything that was going on." Felix said proudly.

"How? Are you sidekick?" Jisung asked.


After their boring conversation, it was back to class.

Felix, Changbin, Jisung and Minho having music together. Yeah, they aren't in the same grade. But they moved Jisung and Felix up cause they where good in that subject. Yes, surprisingly Felix actually payed attention in that class. It was the only one he really liked other than dance which him, Minho and hyunjin have together. But anyways of topic I suppose.

They all enter the class and slowly walk in. They have Mr.Min as a teacher. He was pretty laid back but when he got angry, he was scary.

"Ok class, today we will be finishing up our songs on the piano. I would like to start seeing the presentations starting tomorrow." Mr.Min says.

They continued to work as told, Felix getting a little stuck with what else to do. "Hey Changbin ?" Felix poked the older.

"Yeah what's up?" The shorter answered.

"I'm stuck, can I have a little bit of inspiration?"

The said two helped each other out and were a giggling mess.


It was now the end of the day and Felix was exhausted. He and the other 8 boys went hard in gym class. Today, they played some dodgeball. Minho being the last one standing.

"That was a pretty lit game of dodgeball eh Felix?" Changbin asked walking down the sidewalk.

"Mhm. I'm still upset you got me out though" Felix pouted.

The two talked for a while and arrived to their destination.

"Well talk to you later!" Felix yelled crossing the street to get to his house.


I haven't had any real changlix moments yet so I might speed it up a little if that's ok.

But I honestly feel like this is trash rn.

I'm gonna try and make it better I promise. I just haven't had any inspiration lately.

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