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"IT'S CALLED RELATIONSHIP GUT," Sasha explains excitedly. I put the banana I was eating down and turn in my chair to look at her.

"Excuse me?" I ask, extremely confused as to what she was talking about.

Sasha looks down. "Sorry, my bad. There's a small chance I had a conversation with you without actually talking to you again." I choke.

"What's going on in here?" George asks the moment I start wheezing.

"I think she may be dying," Sasha states nonchalantly. She then turns to George. "Can I explain to you what the term 'Relationship Gut' means?"

George shifts on his feet, looking unsure. "You know, as much as I would love hearing about that," liar "we're ready to start recording."

Oh yes, the recording.

The boys, Sasha and I got so bored that they (the boys. Not Sasha and I. Never Sasha and I. We can't sing for shit) were now about to record a few song covers. New Hope Club were going to sing one of The Vamps' songs and vice versa.

We followed George up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms where The Vamps were sitting on chairs talking and laughing amongst themselves.

James nudged Brad, signalling that we were here and that they can start recording. The boys give a quick nod to Blake who was manning the camera – I joked he shouldn't be trusted, my reasoning being my Instagram picture he apparently took – and they started.

"Hello," they all say simultaneously — which Blake and I snicker at — "we're The Vamps," Brad carries on, "and today we're going to be doing a cover on Start Over Again by New Hope Club. Hope you enjoy," he smiles.

I sit back and relax as my best friends play. I remember listening to this song last night before the party, as Sasha and I were getting dressed. We ended up listening to all of New Hope Club's released songs, and we enjoyed every second of it. I may or
may not have had a small fangirl-moment when I saw the boys at the party. Sasha had to remind me to at least fangirl responsibility.

As they got to the chorus, I couldn't help but think which girl they hurt that caused them to write this song in the first place.

When they finish, we all do some dramatic clapping and then New Hope Club take their spot.

I sit up straighter.

𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 ⤳ 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now