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"REMEMBER MELBOURNE?" SASHA ASKS with an appreciative smile on her face.

"Please, how can I forget Melbourne?" I groan. "Worst week of my life, I hated that place!" I exclaim, remembering how the terrors started the second I step foot off the plane.

"Melbourne is an amazing place!" Sasha defends, sitting up on the couch. "You were just a human blood-bag for the mosquitoes and a walking beacon for every other bug that lives in Australia," she snickers.

I give her a death look (which she blatantly ignores). She is right though, Melbourne was beautiful. Definitely would recommend if you happen to love insects swarming you as if you were their Kim Kardashian.

My blonde friend and I sit in silence once again, letting ourselves focus on the beauty that is Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. The two of decided a lounge day was long over due, so while I made all the popcorn we own (which is a lot), Sasha turned on Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Despite watching this movie about 500 times, Sasha and I hang on to every moment like it could be our last, and I'm quite sure we both got closer to the TV as The Winter Soldier and Captain America started fighting.

The movie soon ended, and of course, tears were streaming down both Sasha and I's face like a waterfall. We both give out a heavy sigh.

"What an amazing movie," I sniffle, wiping the tears from the bottom of my eyes with the sleeve of Brad's hoodie (which I had yet to give back).

It's officially been a day since we got back from the boys' house. To be honest, Sasha and I didn't know what to do with our lives now. Yes, we've gone a full three years without the living definitions of annoying, but now that we've reunited, it feels like a large piece for our life is missing.

That piece being, of course, the part that enjoys the infuriations also know as 7, very much adult, boys.

"What now?" Sasha asks weakly, craning her head up (she was laying on the floor) to look at me. I look back at her, a blank and passive expression plastered on my face.

I open my mouth to suggest going to the gym, or something, but a knock on our front door causes me to rise up from my slumped position on the couch. I am, however, quite relieved someone interrupted my thought before I spoke it aloud.

There's no way in hell we're going to the gym.

I look back quickly to see Sasha peering over at me from the top of the couch, and I give her a warning look as if to say 'be normal for a few seconds there could be important people at the door'.

𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 ⤳ 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now