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"CAN YOU PLEASE TELL me what's going on with you and Blake," Reece begs me when the dark brunette went to the restroom.

I roll my eyes and focus on placing the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. "Nothing is going on with Blake and me,"  I reply, shutting the machine door and wiping my hands dry on a towel.

Reece scoffs. "Bullshit," he states, and I look up at the taller boy with a shocked expression. "There is obviously something going on between the two of you, George and I know it," he says smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

I scoff sarcastically, "Okay, sure," I laugh and walk back out into the lounge where Sasha and George were playing a very intense game of 'Slide'.

Reece and I exchange confused looks. George looks really focussed on counting which number they were on so he doesn't mess up.

"Sixteen," Sasha huffs, clapping George's right hand sixteen times, then doing the same to his left.

"Seventeen," George breathes out, the sweat dripping down his forehead very much noticeable. Their hand-slapping, however, never made it to the number seventeen.

Sasha accidentally hit George's face.

"I am so sorry," she apologizes, her face quickly turning red. Reece and I couldn't contain our laughter and even Sasha's glaring at us didn't stop it.

"It's okay," George says, squinting slightly 'cause Sasha got him right in the eye.

"I don't even know how that happened–" she rambled again.

"Really, it's fine," George reassured. Sasha nodded reluctantly and muttered a final 'sorry' before shutting up.

"Woah, what did I miss?" Blake asks as he walks back into the room.

I smile at him (ignoring the sudden revival of the butterflies in my stomach) and quickly fill him in on what happened in the past three minutes.

"Can you guys do it again?" Blake asks seriously.

George glares at him but doesn't answer. It's probably going to happen again if he ever plays that game again.

"So what do you guys want to do now?" Reece asks.

"Oh," I say, suddenly remembering what I had to do. "Can we go to the mall." The boys give us odd looks, but I only focus on Sasha's bright smile. "Alright, let's go," I squeal excitedly. I grab Sasha's hand, slip the closest pair of shoes on and grab the apartment keys before running out into the hallway and waiting impatiently for the three boys that seemed to be moving slower than usual.

"Can you three hurry the hell up," Sasha groans, banging her head on the wall in frustration.

George, Reece and Blake exchanged a look, then proceeded to walk even slower.

"That's it," I mutter, and stomp angrily towards the three boys. They look at me terrified, but still stand their ground albeit more cautiously.

I grab Blake's sleeve in one hand and George's in the other and drag them in the direction of the elevator.

"Wait for me!" Reece exclaims, and latches himself to the back of George.

"There we go," I smile, letting go of them. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?" I ask rhetorically. Blake opens his mouth to speak, so I quickly add, "Good," before stepping into the conveniently open elevator.

"I'm scared."



suuuuuuuper short my dudes im sorry.

good news though, only another week of school left then ill be updating more often!

hopefully ill finish this book lol

also who wants a daniel seavey book cuz i started writing one and i kinda like it

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