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"HOW WAS LUNCH WITH your mom?" Sasha asks almost sympathetically the second I step foot into my house.

I roll my eyes tiredly and lazily kick my heels off, feeling at ease almost immediately.

"I told her I'd do it," I say with a yawn, slugging my way towards the couch, almost barely noticing who else was sitting on it. "Hi," I greet the boys, letting my body fall onto the couch.

"Hey," they all say back slowly, unsure about whether or not to keep the conversation going.

"Don't get awkward on my account," I chuckle, picking my head up and laying it on the closest person's lap. "I'm tired, not dying," I say, looking up at Reece.

"Was it that bad?" George asks. "It was just your mum."

I grin. "You have not met Anna Hunter, my British friend," I say, looking at the blue-eyed boy sitting across from me. "She got all excited that I said I'd do the show and started reminding me about everything I had to do and telling me about her first show." I groan, remembering everything how much work I had to put into one night. My head falls back on Reece's lap again and I close my eyes, letting myself get comfortable.

"I can vouch for that," Blake speaks up for the first time. I twist my head to look at him and I almost want to lift my head up off of Reece when I see the look he's giving the two of us.

It's probably nothing.

George clears his throat, noticing how it got silent for a few moments and turned his head to Sasha when he realized neither Blake, Reece nor I would be speaking.

"So, Sasha," he says, placing an enthusiastic smile on his face. "Give us an example of–"

Sasha was asleep.

"Perfect," I heard him mumble. He cleared his throat. "Who wants food?" He blurted out.

Despite just coming back from lunch, I haul my body up quickly and furiously nod my head yes. George and Reece chuckle at how excited I was and the former gets off the couch and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm assuming pizza?" He said, already dialing the number. I make a sound of agreement and he walks out (probably relieved to get away from the tension).

"So," Reece whistles, looking around the room. "Yeah." He gets off the couch, too, and follows George to the other room, leaving Blake and I to ourselves.

I drum my fingers on my lap nervously and exhale heavily. I bite the inside of my cheek as I look towards Blake. He kept his eyes focused on the floor.

"You okay?" I finally ask. The silence was becoming too much and I'm pretty sure I could hear George and Reece having an in-depth conversation about pizza toppings from out in the hallway.

𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 ⤳ 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙙𝙨𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now