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BLAKE AND I WALKED out of the elevator in silence, neither of us quite knowing what to say. We head to the front exit, giving a nod of acknowledgement to the lady at the desk and stepping out of the building.

My shoes hit the warm pavement and I glance at Blake momentarily to see if he was ready to start the somewhat long journey to the office. He looks down at me at the same time and gives a small smile as if to say he was ready.

"Let's go," I say excitedly, elongating the 'o' and grabbing Blake's hand to start pulling him in the right direction. He chuckles from behind and jogs slightly so he's walking right beside me. "I warn you now," I say, turning my head to look at him. "The office is going to be freaking terrifying."

Blake raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Well," I start. "It is cleanout day. Everyone in the office tends to go extra wild in hopes to please my mother and meet her abnormal neat-freak tendencies," I say with a forced chuckle. "You know, it isn't too late to go back," I add, the realization of what we were about to walk into finally processing in my head. I can't have Blake scared of me just yet.

He shakes his head. "I wanted to come," he says, squeezing my hand (I didn't realize we hadn't let go yet) reassuringly. I grin, moving my gaze down to the pavement and blush slightly when I catch a glance of our interlocked hands.

The rest of our walk was spent in a comfortable silence. We rushed through the crowd of people, trying to not lose each other in the process. Somehow, amongst the angry businessmen swearing us off, we managed to not die and make it to our destination.

Blake and I stand outside of Hunter Designs, the long, white building shielding us from the blaring noon sunlight. I squint my eyes when I turn to see Blake's reaction and I bite back a laugh at the look of his in-awe face.

"You alright there?" I chuckle, the burn in my eyes forcing me to look away from Blake (unfortunately).

He snaps out of it. "Y-yeah," he says. "Let's head in, shall we?" He offers, tugging my hand lightly. I nod and follow him to the wall of glass automatic doors.

They slide open, immediately exposing us to the brisk breeze of the air conditioning and the sight of hundreds of designers bustling back and forth with designs and fabrics piled in their arms.

"Welcome to Hunter Designs," I breathe out, sending a quick smile in hello to the lady working the front desk.

"This is scarily impressive," Blake says, his eyes glued to the large mannequin-resembling statue in the middle of the lobby, posed to look like a model on the catwalk. Behind it, a large screen playing a compilation of all our fashion shows from when the company started ten years ago. "Is that you?" He asks, pointing his finger at one of the clips on the TV.  Sure enough, there I was, with a serious expression on my face as I made my way down the catwalk, and a beautiful dark blue dress designed by my mother on my body.

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