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IT WAS FOUR IN the morning when Sasha came out of her bedroom looking homeless. It didn't occur to me how early it was and that she came out to yell at me and my noisemaking. I looked at my blonde friend with my eyebrows raised and one shoe on.

"What the hell are you doing?" she growled.

"I forgot you weren't a morning person," I chuckled. Sasha wasn't satisfied with my response, however, and intensified her glare. "I need to go to the office. I'll probably be home late."

Sasha's eyes softened. "Oh," she said. I sent her a kind smile and put on my other shoe. Picking up my 'work' bag, I sent my best friend one last look before exiting the apartment.

It was going to be a long day.

to be continued...

ok guys i think i have some explaining to do

as you can all tell, i am THE WORST when it comes to updating a book. and to be honest, it's mostly because once my inspiration for something is gone, it's rare for it to come back again.

i only want to provide you all with quality chapters and i don't want to waste your time at all

tbh i find it a little hard to write this book for two reasons:
1) blake has a girlfriend
2) his girlfriend is the face claim for this book

now i know what you're thinking; this is every author's dream thanks to all of the provided content.

i just find it weird, you know??

anyways, what i'm trying to get at is this: if you want me to continue with this book soon, then of course i will. (it's not like i'm doing much else anyway lol thanks corona)

but if you all don't care too much for this book, then please bare with me until my motivation comes back. i can't say how long it'll take, but i know it will happen

please don't be shy to comment

i love you all

check out my sirius black book if you're into marauders era and such (i v much like it)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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