repair me| Blaze

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Go read my F. Adapt book, also no offense to Corrina Kopf fans.

Y/n's p.o.v

I can't believe Turner moved on from me so quick, how cold can he be? He was my first love, my first kiss, my first everything, and he just ruined it with that hoe. What the actual fuck is wrong with him. Corrina totally shoves it in my face too. It just hurts too much.

I make my way down the stairs of the Faze house, looking a mess with leggings and a red faze hoodie with the hood over my head to hide my tear-stained face.

"Hey y/n, how you holding up," Cheo asks with a small smile.

I don't reply and just shake my head, trying to avoid having a voice crack and breaking down.

"Well, you want some waffles, I made your favorite" I smile lightly at Cheo's kind gesture.

He sets the plate in front of me after putting syrup on them, knowing how I like it.

"y/n, nice to see you up," Cizzors says, I can sense that he feels sympathetic for me. I don't look his way because I'll start crying again.

I hear footsteps coming and just continue to eat my waffles with my hood on still. "Cheo, Cizzorz... Y/n" Lucas says sitting next to me.

Suddenly I hear laughing and two voices I hate so much. I look up and see Turner and Corrina holding hand and talking. I meet his eyes and run upstairs.

"Y/n!" I hear Lucas shout as he runs after me.

I feel arms around my waist and I'm turned around and pulled into a chest. I don't even care right now so I cry into his chest.

"It's gonna be okay" I hear Lucas whisper in my ear as he strokes my hair after taking my hood off.

"No it's not, how could he move on so quickly?" I cry and he holds on to me tighter.

"He's an asshole, don't pay attention to him" He whispers. "Come on, let's go watch supernatural" Lucas grabs my hand and leads me to his room and I lay on his bed.

He lays next to me and I cuddle into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I feel myself going to sleep again. Until I get a text, it's... Corrina. It's a picture of her and Turner. I get so mad that I chuck my phone on the floor. I put my head in my hands and start to cry and shake again.

"You know what, I'm going to fuck this dude up" Lucas walk to the door fuming.

"Wait! Lucas!" I say loud enough for him to hear me.

"He's not worth it," I say.

"He's hurting you and I can't let that happen," He says balling his fist.

"Why?" I weakly say.

"Because I love you, I've loved you ever since I've met you. And I know you just got out of a relationship and don't feel the same way bu-" I cut him off my softly putting my lips on his.

He is surprised but kisses back wrapping his arms around my waist and my hands rest on the back of his neck. The kiss is perfect, but in reality, my kissing is probably weak. The feeling of his soft lips makes me feel warm inside. We slowly pull apart, making me miss the feeling.

"That was amazing" He sighs. "But I'm still going to kick his ass" He walks really fast, knowing my small legs won't catch up to his strong tall frame fast enough.

I don't get to him fast enough before he is punching Turner repeatedly in the face.

"Lucas stop!" I yell trying to get him off of Turner, but to my luck, it doesn't work.

"Lucas, bro! Get off of him" Nikon says helping me push him off of Turner.

"You're fucking crazy dude!" Turner yells holding his probably now broken nose.

"You're a fucking dumbass, why would you let a girl like y/n go!" Lucas yells.

Lucas grabs my hand and leads me outside to the pool area.

"God fucking damn it!" He yells kicking a basketball. "I love you so much!"

"Lucas, you're going to hurt yourself even more," I said referring to his now bruised knuckles.

"I don't care if I hurt myself, I care about you," He says balling his fists.

I pull him into a hug to calm him down. He buries his face in the crook of my neck, holding onto me tightly. I rub his back and hold onto him too, enjoying being in his presence.

He pulls his face out of the crook of my neck and looks at me. We are so close, I can feel his breath fanning on my face. He slowly closes the gap by placing his lips on top of mine softly.


1 year later

"Babe, get up," Lucas says shaking me.

"Can't we just stay in bed all day, I'm tired" I whine.

"From the night we had, I can imagine you being tired" Lucas smirks.

"Lucas!" I groan putting my face in my pillow.

He grabs his vlog camera and starts a new vlog.

"What up guys, it's Blaze or Lucas, and we've been living in this house for a couple of weeks now and we love it. The old crew is back. So this one won't get up" Lucas says hitting me with a pillow. I groan and pull the covers off of me. "So the fans want to hear how we got together again"

I fix my hair and sit up on the bed. "Well, after I broke up with Tfue, we got together and we announced it by me being the girl in 'Woah kemosabe' and kissing in the end," I said and Lucas smiled.

"Yup, so that's what happened. Anyways we have to feed our Alex" Lucas says.

"It's like we have a dog that we feed everyday" I laugh and Lucas kisses me before getting up.

I'm so happy that I ended up with Lucas

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