"I love you"| Tommy

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In this imagine Tommy writes poetry just to clear things up. Also, the poems are by COURTNEY PEPPERNELL, all credit goes to the amazing poet.


I think that if you let me,
I'd treat you like the sky.
I'd join up all your insecurities,
Bundle all your flaws
Into a new constellation
And search for it endlessly.
I know you don't see your self
The way I see you
And you still argue
When I call you beautiful
But all the things you can't stand
About yourself
Are all the things I can't
Go a day without
I think if you'd le-

"Tommy?" Her soft voice like velvet sounded through the door as she knocked her small hand against the door before opening it.

I looked up from my notepad to see her beautiful face. "Yes?" I couldn't help but smile, she is just so infinitely beautiful.

"Could you help me with something real quick?" She shyly asked a pink tint to her soft cheeks which I desperately wanted to kiss.

"Of course"

I thought about kissing you today
And yesterday
And the day before that.
I know I'll think about kissing you
And the day after that
And some more days after those days.
I think about kissing you
And tracing my fingers along
Your lips.
I think about kissing you
In your car, in the rain, on your doorstep
I think about kissing your
Dimple, your cheek, your spot.
I think about kissing only you
Not anyone else
Just you

I stared at her lips, they looked so kissable. So pink, her bottom lip more full than the top one. They looked so natural, and that's one of the many things I loved about her, she didn't have to be fake she already had natural beauty.

I leaned in without thinking, hoping she didn't run away. And to my surprise she didn't, she let it happen. My lips landed on hers and sparks ignited. You know, in the movies they describe kissing the one you love like it's winning the 100 million dollar lottery. It feels even more incredible than that. She kissed back, her lips tasted like raspberry pomegranate, her chapstick that's always in her pocket.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, hers wrapped around my neck, one hand in my hair. I melted into her touch and pulled her closer, our lips still moving in perfect sync. We pulled away, our lips were parted and I craved the taste of her lips more than anything in the universe.

"Wow" She breathed out. I smiled, our foreheads leaning against each other.

"Wow" I replied back. She smiled back the cutest smile. I really just wanted to kiss her again, claim her as mine. And maybe, just maybe, she would take my crazy ass.

She's that girl
Who doesn't believe
In herself all that
And for the life of me
I can't understand
Because my belief
In her
Goes beyond the sky

"I can't do it anymore, Tommy. I can't go on believing that everything is okay because it's not. You don't need me, I'm just a normal person, there's nothing special about me. I'm just getting in the way of your career. I don't want to hold you down" She cried, tears running down her beautifully sculpted face. I took her small soft hands in mine.

"Look at me, Y/n" I tiled her chin up to look at me. "You're not getting the way of anything. I love you and I can't live without you. Everything about you is special. I love you, princess" I said kissing her tears away.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, her head resting on my chest. She held on like if she let go I'd disappear, so I held on too. I held on to her to make sure she was real, to make sure she wasn't just something from my imagination. I swayed us back and forth, feeling her breathing slow down.

I picked her up and carried her to our shared bed, laying her down gently. I laid down next to her, wrapping my arms around her delicate body. I pressed a kiss to her forehead just as she completely fell asleep. "I love you"

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