memories| Cizzorz

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This one is out of order, I posted it after New year| Tenser


"I don't know Charlotte," I said hesitantly over the phone. Charlotte and I had become friends over the past year and she always made me go to parties with her. We had a routine, I would hesitate and then she would beg me to go and I'd give in.

"Is it because Jack is gonna be there" Oh right, Jack. We had dated and then had a falling out and decided to have a break, we hadn't talked to each other for a month or so. "Because you don't need to be scared if you see him, I'll get you drunk and then I find you a cute guy"

"I- you know I can't do that"

"I know... because you're still in love with Jack. But just come and have fun. For me? Please?"

"Okay, but just for you"

"Thank you, I love you" I could practically hear the smile laced in her voice.

"Bye, Charlotte" I laughed.

"Bye, love"

I hung up and got dressed. After I got ready I hopped in my car and drove to the faze house. I thought I would never come here agian after Jack, but of course, Charlotte had changed my mindset, but I love her and would do anything for my friends. Even if that meant facing my ex... that I'm still (sadly)in love with.

I pulled up to the house and parked on the side of the street. I could hear music coming from the house and people were coming in and out the door. I text Charlotte I was here and headed inside. My heart was beating out of my chest, what if I see Jack? I know I said I was in love with him but that doesn't change the fact that we both said things that we didn't mean and I was afraid to face him.

And then I saw him. He was standing with Teeqo, he had a red hoodie on and a black hat was on his head. He looked sad for some reason, he was faking a smile as he talked with Jakob, trust me I knew when he was faking it. My head started spinning when his eyes met mine and his lips parted slightly, I felt like I was going to cry as the memories flooded my brain.

"Oops" I shrugged as a threw a hand full of flour at him. He turned to look at me in shock, the left side of his face covered in flour.

"You did not just do that," He said wiping his left eye. He smirked and grabbed an egg, cracking it over my head.

I gasped and grabbed another handful of flour, chucking it at him. He grabbed a handful too and ran to the other side of the counter and dunked. But he got me as I rose back up, getting it in my hair and on my face.

"Hey" I grabbed an egg of the counter and threw it at him, it cracked on his shoulder.

He then grabbed some batter that was already made and smeared it on my face.
"You look cute like that" He smiled, but he wasn't gonna butter me out of this one.

"Shut up," I said taking some batter and putting it on his face.

He grabbed icing as was about to put it on me. "No, not the icing" I pleaded. He smirked again. "Kiss me and I won't" I groaned. "Don't act like you don't love it"

"Okay come here," I said and he put the icing down. He leaned in to kiss me but little did he know I had an egg behind me and cracked it on his head before his lips met mine. He gasped and I ran.

"Come back here," He said chasing me. He caught up to me and turned me around, smashing his lips on mine and holding me by my waist. "You taste like cake batter" "So do you"


"It's so pretty," I said looking at the sky, taking in pink, orange, yellow, and red colors of the sky.

"Yeah, it is," Jack said looking at me. I blushed and looked away.

"Your so cliche'" I said smiling. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"Yeah, but you love it," He said and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I guess your right" I sighed. He chuckled and then pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"I love you" He whispered in my ear making my heart skip a beat.

"I love you too" I smiled and softly pressed my lips against his in a gentle and soft kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he held my waist. I got heated quick and I was pushed up against his car door as we continued to make out, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Let's go home," He said momentarily breaking the kiss. I nodded with a little smile as I slid off of him and got into the car.


"Jack, you can't do this every time I talk to him. He's my childhood best friend, nothings going to happen between us!"

"Did you see the way he looked at you Y/n! Stop being so naive, he's in love with you!"

"He's not in love with me Jack. God, your so annoyingly jealous all the time!"

"So now I'm the bad guy for wanting to look out for you! Y/n, stop being so blind!"

"Jack, I can't keep having this fight anymore! Maybe we should take a break"

"Maybe we should, if I'm so annoyingly jealous then go find another guy that doesn't care about you!" Okay, that one kind of hurt. Scratch that it, it feels like my heart just got ripped out.


"Fine, then go then"


I couldn't do it, I ran. This is exactly why I should have stayed at home. Now I'm running away from the guy I love, I'm running away from my problems like a little bitch. How could I be so stupid to come here?

"Y/n! Wait!" I heard Jack from behind me, hurrying to catch up with me. "Please, Y/n" I felt arms go around my waist, the same ones that used to hold me after I had a bad dream and comfort me. He turned me around and I looked up at his face. He looked unhappy and confused. "Uh, what are you- what are you doing here" He stampered out.

"Charlotte," I said quietly, studying the floor pretty hard. I heard him sigh.

"Can we please talk" I nodded my head as he leads me into an empty room. I sat on the bed and he stood in front of me.

"I'm sorry. I was a jerk, I should have just trusted you" He said. I shook my head.

"No, it's my fault. I-I shouldn't have called you annoyingly jealous, you were just looking out for me. I-I'm so s-sorry" I said breaking down in the last part. I felt the bed dip beside me and arms wrap around me, comforting me.

"Please don't cry. It's not your fault" I rested my head on his chest and his hand went to intertwine with mine. "Shh, it's okay," He said as I broke down even more. "Hey, look at me," he said tilting my chin up to look at him. "It's not your fault. And technically we're not broken up, we just took a break... a really hard break"

I sucked in a breath, trying to calm my self down and just listen to his voice. It worked a little and not it was just silent tears.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend still?"

"Of course," I said laying my head on his chest agian.

"I love you, y/n. Remember that, okay?" He asked kissing the top of my head. I nodded and closed my eyes.

"I love you too"

2 in one night guys, that's a record. It's 2020!

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