Max| Tenser

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We were just messing around in the gym on Brian's birthday with Lucas when Brian got a call from his Mom.

He went outside and came back in. What I didn't expect was for him to break down in tears, I instantly knew it was Max.

I hugged him as he cried into my shoulder, choked sobs coming from out of his mouth. I rubbed his back as the guys asked what was wrong, but I didn't have to ask what was wrong and Brian knew that.


"I love you, Max" Brian whispered to his dog of fourteen years. He grabs his face lightly and Max licks him, Brian smiles slightly.

Max is honestly the best dog in the world and Brian loves him so much. For the year I've been with Brian he always talked about Max and loved to go to Boston to see him, it's just really sad to see him go. Brian knew it was going to happen soon and tried to prepare, but he couldn't prepare for this. It was too hard.

"I'll miss you" He whispered kissing him on the head and petting his fur.

Max started to whine and I knew it was time. I tried to hold back tears not only for Max but for Brian, I hated to see him like this, so sad he could barely hold it together.

"Bye baby boy" Brian weakly said. Max laid down, he knew it was his time, he knew Brian was sad, he knew he couldn't fight it anymore.

Max took his last breath, the last thing he saw was Brian. Tears came down Brian's cheeks. He had just lost his best friend.

Brians Mom gave him a hug and I could tell that he was trying to keep it together for her. But when he looked at me he couldn't hold it in anymore. I pulled him in for a tight hug and he held onto me, burying his head in the crook of my neck just letting his tears come out. I rubbed his back and told him it was okay. That was the only thing I could do, give him comfort.

After about five or so minutes he finally talked. "Can we just cuddle?" He whispered weakly.

"Of course," I said planting a sweet kiss on his lips. He took my hand and led me into his parent's house, leading me into his old room and laying me on the bed.

He climbed in next to me and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my chest. I played with his hair because I knew it calmed him down.


I couldn't think about anything but Max, his fur and those eyes. When he took his last breath the look in his eyes was like he was trying to comfort me. I focused on y/n to see if it could try to distract me.

Her face is so beautiful like it's sculpted for a goddess. Her eyes were so captivating and warm, god I loved her eyes. She is just perfect in every way. I listened to her breathing and the sound of her heart pumping. Her tan skin is so soft and she is overall just an amazing, beautiful person. She noticed me looking and smiled a little.
"What?" She asked in a soft sweet voice.

"Your just so beautiful, thank you" Confusion took over her face.

"For what?" She asked. Max popped up in my mind again. He always loved Y/n, probably because I love her more than anything in this world.

"For staying with me" I hated sounding so weak in front of her, I was supposed to be strong for her, "For not leaving me, and being an amazing person" A smile crept up on her face.

"Come here" She softly said, her voice was my favorite sound in the world. But I missed Max's bark too. I crawled up so my face was next to hers, she smiled.

"I love you," She said pressing her lips against mine. Her lips were so addicting. She pulled away and I broke down in tears agian. I couldn't get Max out of my mind.


Brian buried his head in my shoulder and cried, "I miss him" he said between sobs. I couldn't do anything for him and that made me cry a little too.

"I know" I whispered holding onto him as he held me tightly like he thought I was going to disappear.

We held each other for the rest of the night, Brian just letting it out and me comforting him. 

I cried so much writing this, I love tenser so much and to see him upset and crying is so so so sad. R.I.P Max, I love you Brian.

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