Love| Adapt

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"Y/n! There's a letter for you!" My roommate yells at me as she walks into my room. "It has Hollywood hills address on it, and who still sends letters?"

I ignored her negative questions as she handed me the letter and walks away. It does have a Hollywood hills address and... Alex's name? I hesitantly open it trying not to shake. Why would he send me a letter? We weren't exactly on good terms, I mean on my part.

Before I met you I was lost and immature, I didn't know what I wanted in life. But then you came along, you were perfect in every way. I remember the first time I saw you, all I remember thinking was I have to know who she is and get her number. But when I got to know you I didn't want your number, I wanted you...

Y/n's hips swayed back and forth, no doubt catching every guys attention. Her beauty looks dangerous like she could break any guys heart. She was oblivious to the brown hair boy staring at her. His friends caught him staring and ushered him over, pushing him towards the girl. He almost fell into her but caught his balance. Y/n looked up at the taller boy and smiled, his heart started to beat faster. He never felt like this for a girl, he never got nervous, and he defiantly never thought a girl was a beautiful as she was.

"You okay?" Her soft voice was a beautiful as her face was.

"Yeah" He managed to say. "I'm Alex" Y/n smiled at him, she almost blushed at his voice.

"I'm Y/n" Alex smiled agian, he just couldn't stop smiling for this girl. They danced together for the rest of the night until she had to leave. Alex walked her out and they exchanged numbers.

I can't stop thinking about you, and my mind goes back to that moment at the lake. Your eyes were lit up by the golden sun and a smile plastered on both of our faces. Before I met you I didn't know what it was like to smile until my face was numb. It was the first time we kissed too, how could I forget that kiss? It was so addicting.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Y/n looked at the water.

"Yeah" She didn't see that he was looking at her instead. Y/n got up and ripped her top off.

"W-what are you doing?" Alex asked.

"I'm getting in the water," She says taking her shorts off and diving in.

"You're crazy, you know that?" Alex says as she resurfaces. She smiles at him and he shakes his head pulling his shirt off. Y/n's eyes wandered his upper half but looked away when he turned his head. Alex dived in, the water engulfing him.

"This is nice," He says after coming back up as they both tread water.

"Yeah" Y/n sighs happily. "Don't you just love it?"

"Love is a pretty strong word" Alex replied.

"What? You've never loved anything?" Y/n asked. "Who do you love most in the world?"

Alex thought for a second. "Myself," He said. Y/n didn't think it was selfish that he said that. It's good to have self-love.

Alex stared at Y/n, her wet hair framed her face and her eyes glowed in the sunlight, almost making them golden. Y/n noticed him staring and felt self-conscious.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She asked.

"If beauty is something than yeah," Alex said. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"That was so horrible, Alex" she laughed moving closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, he held on to her waist. They stared into each other's eyes, adoration and wonder danced in their eyes.
Their lips collided and it sparked a new beginning.

There's not a lot I can say to make things better. But I want you to know that I didn't kiss her, believe me, or not, I'm telling the truth. I love you, Y/n. When you asked me who I loved most in this world, I said myself, truth is it was you. I didn't want to admit it but I fell for you, I fell hard. I don't expect you to say it back or talk to me, but if you want to come over and yell at me do it all you want. I meant it when I said love is a strong word, I guess you could say my feelings for you are strong, too strong. I love you, y/n (agian).

xoxo, Alex

A tear fell down my cheek. He loves me? I just thought I was one of his flings. I have to go find him and tell him I love him too. I shoved the letter in my pocket and slipped my checkered vans on running out the door.

When I arrived at the Faze/clout house I got nervous. I got out of my car and surprisingly the security remembered who I was and let me in.

"Y/n?" I saw Banks standing in front of me.

"Uh, hey, I really need to see Alex" Banks knew what had happened between Alex and I. We were both scared to commit and I thought I was just a fling, that he would forget about me and I'd fall into a dark hole. So I ended things, and it was the worst thing I've ever done in my entire life. I regret it so much.

"He's in his room, you really hurt him Y/n, he's a mess" I hurt him, I'm the reason he's hurting, I made him like that. That made my heart sink and I wiped a tear off my cheek.

"I-I know, but I'm here to tell him I love him" A smile formed on his face.

"Then go get him what are you doing standing around here for," He said and I rushed up the stairs and to his room, typing in the passcode to his door that I still remembered. I opened the door to reveal Alex on his bed. His eyes shoot open and he looks surprised.

"Y-y/n?" He stood up and I took a deep breath.

"I love you"

"What?" He said stunned.

"I love you. I was being insensitive and stupid. I-I want to be with you, Alex" I practiced it in my head and it was more emotional to say it out loud. Alex walked closer to me, we were now inches away from each other. He reached his hand out and rested it on my cheek, wiping my tears with his thumb.

"I want to be with you too" I smiled at him and we both leaned in. I finally got him back, and I'm never letting go, all thanks to his cliche letter...but I loved it.

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