Dream (V.H)

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August 1st, 1959. 7:34pm. The Holly Apartment.

"Hey all in the apartment 2A,

We're from next door and our little girl is very young and impressionable. It would be appreciated if you stopped eith your GODLESS activities while she's home from school!

Barb and Tom"

I squint at the note, making sure I read it right.

I definitely read it correctly.

"Buddy," I call. "Those new neighbors put this in our mailbox,"

He walks out of the bedroom and takes the note, reading it.

"What?" He says after he's read it.

"I know!"

"What 'ungodly' activities are they referrin' to?"

I roll my eyes. "Probably rock and roll,"

"Premarital sex," Buddy laughs.

"Sex for anything but reproduction,"

"Honestly most of our lives," he shakes his head.

"How old is that girl? She has to be atleast 10 or so,"

"She hears worse at school,"

"I'm choosing to ignore this," I say, throwing it in the trashcan.

"Good plan," Buddy replies.

"Oh, what's the number of today?" I ask.

"Uh, the number?" Buddy raises an eyebrow. "Like the date?"


"The 1st? August 1st?" Buddy replies.

"Damn," I frown. "Only twelve more days of peace,"

"Until the next grand adventure!"

I shake my head. "I'm not ready to go to the south again,"

The next day

"So, Violet, tell me a little about yourself," Dr. Metz says.

"Well, uh, I'm Violet, I'm 22, , I'm from Paris and I do music for a living,"

"Music? Like records?"

I nod. "Yeah my husband makes records ,"


"No, he makes them. He writes the songs and performs them,"

Dr. Metz writes on the dreaded notepad. "Why do you think you're here? Why do you need help?"

"I have some issues from my childhood that I haven't fully dealt with, I guess. I have pretty bad mood swings sometimes and I can't control them,"

"Tell me a little about your childhood,"

"It was Nazi Paris so, well, I've seen some things,"

"Like what?" He presses.

"The worst was seeing my best friend being shot in the head, but getting bombed wasn't fun,"

Dr. Metz pauses, then blinks hard. "I'm sorry, dear. Was there anything else that has taken a large toll?"

I purse my lips. "I was raped, but I really don't think that that bothers me much,"

"I know this will seem as a very personal question, but its common practice to ask any victim of sexual assault,"

I nod. "Go ahead,"

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