Announcement (V.H)

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December 28th, 1959. 9:59 am. The Denver Hospital.

I glance at Buddy and he nods. It's time to tell Ella and L.O about my pregnancy.

We haven't told Juliet yet, she and Russ haven't come visit yet this morning.

"Uh, ma, daddy, we got some news." Buddy says, avoiding eye contact.

My mind flashes to when we had to tell them I was pregnant the first time, back when I was seventeen.

This time, Ella and L.O will probably take it a little better, seeing as we aren't still in high school and we're already married.

"What is it, dear?" Ella looks up from her magazine.

Buddy purses his lips and looks at me. "Vi, you wanna tell 'em?"

I nod and take a deep breath. "Um, well, I'm pregnant..."

Ella gasps and then smiles, jumping up and hugging me. "You are?!"

I laugh and hug her back. "I am. Just found out a few days back, when we first came to the hosptial."

"That's great! How far along? Do you know? Do you want a boy or a girl? Do you have any names?" She pulls away.

"They said maybe a month and a half or so, not too long, they're surprised it made it though the crash and didn't give me another miscarriage,"

Ella nods and grabs my hands. "Probably didn't because you are so early along,"

"And for gender, well, I suppose I don't really care. As long as it's healthy." I haven't had time to think about gender. It's true, though, I really don't care as long as it's okay.

"How about you, son, you want a boy or girl?" L.O asks Buddy. He's grinning too.

I think they're more excited than they were with my first pregnancy.

No, I know they are.

"I guess I want a little mini me, but if it's a girl then I'll be happy just the same. I just want it t'be okay."

"Oh, my baby is so grown up! He's gonna be a father!" Ella turns to Buddy and clasps either side of his head and kisses the top. "A father!"

"Ma, c'mon, don't get too excited,"

"Yeah, Ella, it's still really early and we don't know what caused the first miscarriage," I mumble.

The thought of another miscarriage kept me up all night last night.

Losing a child like that was rough, of course I loved it, but I wasn't ready. It was hard losing it, but everyone involved knows it was for the better.

But if I lost this one, I think it would be worse. When I was seventeen, I didn't want a baby. I wasn't mature enough, I didn't have the money or space, and I was still a kid myself.

I'm ready for this one. I've wanted a baby for the last couple years, we have the money, we have the space, and we're adults. We wouldn't depend on our parents.

I really want this baby. I didn't want the last one.

Ella frowns for a moment. "I won't let that happen, Vi. I'll pray everyday for it to be healthy."

L.O nods. "Me too, Vi."

That's awful nice of them, even if I personally believe they're praying to nothing.

"Who all knows?" Ella asks.

"Uh, just y'all," Buddy replies.

"You haven't told Juliet or your parents or even Tommy and Waylon?"

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