Records (B.H)

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July 15th, 1959. 5:44 pm. The Nowak Household

"So, Buddy, is it?" Mr. Nowak asks.

I nod. "Yes sir, that's me."

"What's your REAL name?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Uh, Charles?"

"I knew someone wouldn't legally name their kid Buddy."

"Why do you go by such a lowbrow name when you have an elegant name!" Mrs. Nowak frowns. "Such a pretty one!"

Buddy, you can't get offended. They don't know. They're just Polish. You're okay. Vi will be home soon.

"Yes, Charles is a better name." Mr. Nowak nods.

"It's just somethin' that my brother called me when I was a kid," I sigh. "Name stuck."

Koch shakes his head. "Antoni, Ania, stop it now."

"Why?" Mrs. Nowak crosses her arms.

"People love their names, it's who they are. It's like me. I don't feel like a Jakub, I feel like a Wilhelm. It's a nickname." Koch inturrupts. "Leave the poor kid alone, he's probably freaked out."

"Why would he be?" Mrs. Nowak rolls her eyes. "Not like we're his parents!"

"You might aswell be. Did you see Isabella and Frank as parent figures?" Koch asks me.

I nod. "Sorta, they treated me like one of theirs."

"Exactly. This is a shock for him, too." Koch looks at Ania. "Imagine my mom and dad being revealed like this. How would you feel?"

"I guess I'd be a little shook up."

"Yes, you would be. Leave this kid alone, he's probably more scared than Vi is. Travelling to a country that doesn't speak your language, meeting many people you didn't know about until a few months ago, and finding out how bad your wife's past really was? I'm surprised he hasn't fainted yet."

I laugh. "I almost did on the train here, not gonna lie."

Koch smiles. "I'm very happy that Vi picked you as a spouse. You seem very loving and a good match for her."

"Thank you, sir. I just try my best to make her happy is all."

"You do well, son."

Did...Koch just call me son?

Is it just a term of endearment or is he trying to imply something?

"Thank you." I muster.

"So!" Koch claps his hands. "Music! You do music! How'd you get started?"

"Well, I guess you'd say that I just did. I did everything I could t'put my music out there and it paid off."

"That's so interesting!"

Buddy, you're fine! Why are you so nervous?

"So tell me about you my my Violet." Koch grins.

"Oh jeez, I have so many stories..."

February 17th, 1954. 3:15 pm. Lubbock High School

"Buddy Holley please come to the front office, Buddy Holley to the front office." The intercom inturrupts Mrs. Cheryl's lecture. I bet they're gonna ask where Violet is.

But do they REALLY gotta call me down ten minutes before school ends?

I look up to Mrs. Cheryl and she nods. "Go, take your stuff." She shoots me a knowing look.

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