Chapter 3

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Test One: 50 meter dash

Y/n made his way over to the start line, not bothering to see who he was running next to. He crouched down, one leg behind the other, preparing for the starting cue. After the sound of a gunshot from the little robot assistant, y/n launched himself using a small burst of energy, along with the strength of his own leg muscles. With every step, y/n pushed and propelled his body forward as hard as he could while still maintaining balance. The impacts coming from the balls of his feet gave him extra speed, leaving the student running next to him far behind.

"2.56 seconds." The robot announced after y/n passed the finishing line, skidding to a stop, the dirt beneath him flying. Walking off to the side, y/n watched as the other students used their quirks to complete the assessment, some of them not having a very suitable quirk for this specific test. The green haired boy was up against Bakugou, the blond male using explosions to propel himself through the air, leaving behind his opponent who didn't use any quirk.

Bakugou glared at the green haired boy before turning to walk off, now noticing y/n's gaze on him.

"What?" He forced out aggressively. Y/n placed his hands on his hips, chuckling softly. Walking up towards the blond, y/n placed a finger beneath his chin.

"So aggressive." He taunted, a smirk plastered on his face. Before Bakugou could retort, y/n made a small pulse of energy escape from his finger, pushing Bakugou's chin upwards before walking away. Scoffing and cursing the male under his breath, Bakugou started to prepare for the next test.

Test Two: Grip strength

"Amazing! 540 kilograms?! Are you a gorilla or something?" Some students crowded around a man with multiple arms. Y/n 'tsked' as he looked at his own result, seeing only 74 kilograms. He ignored the smug look from Bakugou, rolling his eyes as he prepared for the next test.

Test Three: Standing longjump

"This one should also be easy." He muttered, doing a couple of squat jumps to warm up, remembering to absorb the small impacts from landing for later.

"Y/n, you're up." Aizawa looked on with a straight expression. Walking over to the starting point, y/n squatted all the way down before using all his strength to jump forward, adding in an energy pulse from the balls of his feet, giving him a good amount of extra meters. Getting a satisfying result, y/n walked off, arms crossed as he watched the rest of the class go.

Test Four: Repeated side steps

Y/n sighed in annoyance, feeling like he was wasting too much stored energy. Once it was his turn, he didn't bother to go all out, knowing that his half-assed attempt would still beat most of the class. Adding tiny energy pulses every time he put his foot down, y/n bounced back and forth, from one leg to another. He sighed as that was over with, deciding to sit down while the others continued.

"This is getting boring."

Test Five: Ball Throw

It was back to the ball throw, y/n comically yawning as the other students go. One of them, the brown haired girl, got the result infinity due to her zero gravity quirk.

"That's amazing! She got infinity!" One of the students exclaimed in awe, making y/n roll his eyes. It's a zero gravity quirk, what did they expect? These students were really starting to get on his nerves. Stretching out his arms and rolling his shoulders back a few times, y/n was ready to take his annoyance out on the softball.

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