Chapter 5

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Y/n huffed slightly, catching Bakugou's glare out of the corner of his eye. Giving him a smirk and a wink, y/n relished in the pissed off and slightly flushed look on the blond's face. Turning back forward, y/n watched as the number one hero placed his hands in the black and white boxes labeled 'Hero' and 'Villain'. Taking out two large balls, he announced,

"The first teams to fight will be..." He revealed the letters printed on the balls. "These guys!"

Y/n inaudibly groaned after seeing the letter D, his team's letter. He didn't look forward to this drill in the first place, now he had to go first? Plus he was put on a team with Mr. Explodo kills.

"At least I'm a villain." He muttered. He really couldn't complain about it, he was glad he at least got to act villainously.

"Everyone else, please head to the monitor room!" The students responded with a quick 'yes' before doing as ordered, leaving behind the two teams meant to fight. Y/n started to jump up and down, absorbing the small impacts and testing out the bounce pads. "Alright, villain team, going in first and set up. You have five minutes before the heroes break in, and the battle will start!" Rolling and stretching out his arms, working out the kinks in his neck, y/n gave a shallow nod, walking towards the building before his teammates.

"Young Eita. Young Bakugou. Young Iida." The villain team looked towards their teacher. "Learn to think from the perspective of a villain. Go all out. Don't be afraid to get hurt. If things go too far, I will stop the battle."

"All right, this is more my speed." Y/n chuckled under his breath, continuing in to the building, once again leaving behind his team.

"Even if it's just training, it really pains me to become a villain." Iida walked towards the fake explosive in their base.

"Shut up and live with it. Villains don't have protocol, you can do whatever you want. Have fun with it!" Y/n smirked, looking the bomb up and down, ignoring the disturbed expression on Iida's face.

"Oi." Y/n's ears twitched at the sound, turning around to see Bakugou with his back to them. "Deku has a quirk, right?" Iida turned around as well.

"You saw his extraordinary strength, didn't you?" He answered. "It appears to carry a lot of risk though." Y/n walked up to Bakugou, leaning against his shoulder.

"What's wrong Aggressive? Someone piss in your cereal this morning?" He teased, making the blond angrier.

"How dare he trick me..." He mumbled, shoulders shaking. Y/n had to step back, the blond's aura surprising him. "That damn nerd!"


"Now, let's start the person to person combat training with Team A and Team D!" All Might announced, alerting both teams of the start of the battle. Y/n walked out of the villain base, listening intently for any signs of the hero team. He saw Bakugou leave as well, heading in a different direction. Not long after, he heard an explosion. Sighing, he ran towards the location of the noise, preparing for battle.

As he got to the scene, the smoke and dust started to clear up, revealing Bakugou and the two heroes, half of Midoriya's mask burnt off.

"Come on Deku. Don't dodge." Bakugou had a murderous expression on. Y/n smirked. 'Just like a villain.' Midoriya stood up slowly.

"I knew you'd come for me first." He said, aggravating the blond. Running forward, Bakugou got ready to attack once more.

"I won't cause so much damage that this fight gets stopped, but I'm gonna get close!" He threw his right arm forward, but to his surprise, Midoriya caught his arm, throwing him over his body and into the ground.

Both heroes watched the blond carefully. Y/n took this opportunity to make his move. Sprinting towards Midoriya, he jumped forward into a front handspring, using energy pulses from his hands to push himself up off the ground. He landed on the green haired male's shoulders, wrapping his legs around the boy's neck.

"Oi, oi, he's not the only bad guy in the building." He teased, making the boy tense. Throwing his body back, he lifted Midoriya into the air, releasing him when he reached the peak of the swing, throwing the boy into the far wall, finishing the flip before landing in a crouched position. Midoriya got up as quickly as he could, staying cautious of both villains.

"Deku..." Y/n stood up, turning towards his teammate. "Even though you're scared..." Bakugou let out small explosions. "That's what I hate about you!" Y/n winced as Iida's voice sounded in his ear.

"Hey, Bakugou-kun! Eita-kun! Give me your status! What happened?" The blond reached up to respond. "Just shut up and defend!" He growled out.

"I'm really angry right now!" Y/n had to smile at his response, finding it kind of humorous.

"I wasn't asking you how you were feeling!" Iida was cut off as Bakugou turned off the earpiece.

Bringing his hand back, Bakugou made an explosion, propelling him forward before he kicked Midoriya midair, the hero just barely blocking it.

"Looking away? You must be so sure of yourself!" Bakugou's expression turned to shock, seeing Midoriya trying to wrap the capture tape around his ankle. Bakugou swung his right fist, Midoriya dodging it with slight ease. Y/n scowled.

"Come on Aggressive, what are you doing?" The blond growled in response.

"Shut up!" He brought both hands behind him, ready to propel himself forward again. But before he could attack, the hero began to run away. "Oi! Come back here Deku!" The blond started to go after him, leaving y/n alone in the hall. He only now realized that the other hero had gotten away. Deciding it was best to leave Midoriya to Bakugou, y/n took off towards the base to give Iida backup. He could hear Bakugou shouting, trying to coax Midoriya out of hiding.

As he approached the base, y/n immediately saw Midoriya's partner, Uraraka, hiding from Iida's sight. Iida had been busy mumbling to himself, trying to play the role of a villain. Seeing him acting in such a way made the girl laugh, instantly giving away her position.

"Ah, so you're here Uraraka-kun. I knew you'd come here by yourself, so I prepared for your arrival!" He gestured to the completely clean floor, clear of anything she could use her quirk on. Uraraka looked frazzled, not knowing of what to do. She started to talk with Deku, but it was too quiet for y/n to hear from where he was.

Suddenly, a large explosion sounded, the floor shaking as the building suffered. Despite the unstable ground, y/n calmly walked towards the female hero, announcing his presence.

"Don't think you're free to do as you please." He started to run towards the female, seeing as she was trying to get to the weapon. Using impact pulses and the small bounce pads, y/n made it to her in no time, jumping up as she made herself float. He let out a grunt as he kicked her back, using the bounce pads and an impact pulse to throw her to the floor, her body rolling and hitting the wall.

By this time, Iida had taken the weapon away, making sure the hero couldn't touch it.

"Your power is useless if you can't touch anything!" Iida was smart, he could think fast, but Uraraka also had someone like that on her team. She talked with Midoriya, forming a plan. Suddenly, she latched onto one of the pillars. Y/n knew something was up. Running towards her, he prepared to attack, but before he could reach her, a strong gust of wind shot up from below them, throwing y/n into the air, Uraraka staying safe and afloat with the pillar and rubble.

Y/n had gotten shot through the ceiling, his body absorbing the impact. He started to panic, this kind of blow was too much for his body to handle. He tried to release it from his body, but it was too late. The vast amount of energy stored hit him full force, pushing him back down towards the earth with incredible speed. He didn't even have any time to yell out, his body already hitting the floor and his consciousness fading out.

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