Chapter 4

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

The repetition of beeps annoyed y/n out of his glorious slumber. Groaning, with only one eye open, y/n reached over to slam his fingers onto the head of the clock, silencing the alarm. Sitting up, y/n rubbed his tired eyes, blinking repeatedly to get the sleepiness out of his system. Y/n was not a morning person. He only had about half of his soul in the waking world, usually having Kurogiri coax him out with the promise of bacon. Looking around, the teen realized that there would be no Kurogiri, and no bacon.

Sighing, y/n got out of bed, heading over to the wardrobe to grab his uniform. He then realized that, at some point in the middle of the night, he managed to get his night clothes off, only one sock and his boxers remaining. Placing his uniform down on his desk chair, he picked up his night clothes, throwing them sloppily into the dresser for the next time he slept, also grabbing a new pair of socks from the drawer. Scratching his stomach in a lazy fashion, the male yawned once more, grabbing his uniform and shoes before heading out to the provided restroom, not caring about whether or not the other males in the dorm building saw his strange attire.

Upon entering, he saw that there was only one other person in the room. The steam from the hot shower indicating that he wasn't alone. Walking over to the lockers provided, he unlocked his, grabbing some necessary toiletries, such as deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, a brush, and razor. He set everything down on a dry spot on the counter before starting his daily routine. He brushed his teeth with half lidded eyes, almost spilling frothy bubbles from the corners of his mouth when he yawned. Then he worked on shaving any stubble he had, brushed his hair, put on deodorant, then put on his uniform and shoes.

By this time, he expected the person in the shower to be finished, but the water still ran. Deciding it was probably some weirdo with a water based quirk that liked to take long showers, he locked up his things before exiting the bathroom, inhaling deeply when his face was no longer smothered in steam. He felt refreshed, but he couldn't help but feel exhausted, realizing that he had to go back to that classroom with chipper hero wannabes.


After grabbing his school bag and schedule, y/n headed towards his designated classroom, steps heavy and slow. He examined his schedule, noting which teachers would be teaching which class. He cringed at the thought of his English class being taught by Present Mic. One, he hated practicing foreign languages, and two, Present Mic had a big personality, too big for y/n to handle this early in the morning.

While he was busy being lost in the contents of the paper, y/n didn't realize he was headed straight into someone's back. His forehead collided with a shoulder blade, making him wince and place a hand over his head.

"Shit, sorry." He couldn't help but notice how the hallway suddenly became extremely quiet. Looking up, his tired eyes met another pair of tired eyes, irises colored in the deepest shade of lilac. His hair had a lot of volume, also colored in a lovely purple tone. The other students started to whisper, but y/n didn't really pay any mind to it, too busy taking in the taller male's features.

"It's fine." The male walked away after that, not sparing y/n another glance. Not that he really minded, too tired to put up with any shit this early. Giving the gossiping students around him a roll of his eyes, y/n continued on towards his first class.


As it neared the afternoon, y/n was doing his best not to cry out of frustration. Damn, he really hated school. The bell rang, signaling the end of the class period and the start of their lunch break.

"Ah! Finally! I'm starving!" Y/n winced as the red haired teen in front of him groaned out.

"Hey Eita! Wanna sit with us at lunch?" The lightning bolt boy asked, leaning over y/n's desk.

"I'm good here. Thanks." The teen answered, swatting the boy's hands off of his desk. Giving each other a glance, the red haired boy and the lightning bolt boy shrugged, making their way out of the classroom. Sighing, y/n took out an apple. Taking out his phone as well, y/n browsed pinterest, pinning every little cat meme and inwardly scoffing every time a post about All Might came up. Setting his phone down, y/n started on his apple, licking at the sweet flesh before the juice could spill onto his desk.

Katsuki watched as the teen across the classroom, stared off into space, nibbling at what was apparently his lunch. He was about to leave, but he couldn't help but notice how y/n didn't bother moving from his seat, not paying any mind to anyone else. Grabbing his wallet, the blond walked towards the exit, stomach begging for food. Just as he was about to leave the room, he noticed how y/n started to eat the core of the apple, stem, seeds, and all. He huffed and continued on his path, muttering under his breath.

"Fuckin' weirdo."

Most of the students of 1-A were buzzing with excitement, others were patiently waiting for class to start, but for y/n, he was dying on the inside. All the students quieted down their excited chatter as a loud voice sounded from the door.

"I am...." The number one hero suddenly stepped through the door. "Entering the classroom like a normal person!" Y/n's head fell to his desk, the other students not paying any attention to the loud thud, as they were too caught up in their own excitement over All Might.

"I teach basic hero training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero." He announced after marching up to the front of the class. "Let's get into it! Combat training!" The students watched in awe as shelves in the wall revealed themselves, briefcases with bright neon numbers plastered on the front of them. "These are your costumes based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in!"

The students were ordered to change and gather on Ground Beta. All the students rushed forward, grabbing their designated briefcase. Y/n, for once, was excited and was one of the first to grab their costumes. He had worked long and hard on his suit design, slaving away in his room, papers strewn across the floor containing rough drafts and rejected ideas. Walking towards the changing rooms, y/n smiled, imagining the look on Shigaraki's face when he saw his design.


All the students walked out of the changing rooms, heading towards the training grounds. Each student had unique costumes, many including helmets, face guards, and protective gear. They all ogled at each other's costumes, pointing out what they liked and what they thought was interesting.

Despite being one of the first one's to grab their costumes, y/n was the last person out of the changing rooms, making sure that everything fit nicely and worked properly. Because he was last, everyone had noticed his presence when he walked out alone. Some of the girls blushed, even some of the boys had a hard time keeping their eyes off of the costume.

It was a black skintight jumpsuit made with energy absorbent fibers. The suit clung to his body, hugging his well-built frame. Around his slim waist was a spiked silver belt, lined with neon green accents. His feet were clad in the jumpsuit's built in shoes, his heels slightly hovering above the ground as the balls of his feet balanced on a small bounce pad. From his ankles to his knees and from his wrists to his elbows, iron braces hugged his limbs, colored the same silver as his belt, the thicker pieces lined and patterned with the same neon green. Just below his adams apple, a spiked silver choker accenting his neck, a thin fabric stretching from his neck over his nose, masking the bottom half of his face.

The students were left in awe at the design, most of the girls taking the guilty pleasure of scanning his slim, muscular form, some of the boys giving him a thumbs up for using such a risque design. Katsuki had seen some students with more revealing costumes, such as Kirishima's or Momo's, but for some reason, the way y/n wore his outfit and how the fabric clung tightly to his masculine yet slightly feminine form, it seemed sexier in a way. The blond looked away quickly as y/n's eyes met his, the teen raising a brow in question. Katsuki scoffed, looking forward at the teacher, y/n doing the same.

"Alright! Now it's time for combat training!" All Might began to explain the rules and how the training was going to work. "Alright! Here are the teams! Since we have an uneven amount of students, one team will have a set of three!" All Might started to list off the teams, giving each team another team to rival them as heroes and villains. Y/n secretly hoped he would be a villain, as it was his nature to be villainous. "Alright! Next team! Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya and Eita Y/n!"

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