Chapter 11

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All throughout the day, y/n felt Bakugou's menacing glare aimed at him. Today was training day with Bakugou, and it was obvious the male was itching for a fight. The bell had finally rung and the blond instantly made his way over to y/n's desk.

"Eager now, aren't we?" Y/n muttered, packing his things.

"Shut it." Bakugou sneered. "Let's go." He demanded.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a twist..." Y/n sighed, hauling his bag over his shoulder. He ignored the blond's usual glare, walking past him to get to the sparring grounds. Bakugou followed behind, his hands shoved down his pockets, posture slightly slumped. He didn't want to admit it, but he was quite excited to test his strength against y/n.

After changing into their workout clothes, this time being the school PE uniforms, the two entered the sparring arena.

"Wanna take me on right now? Or would you prefer we warmed up first?" Y/n asked, setting down his things.

"Five minute warmup. If you're not in the rink in five minutes, I'm gonna kill you." Bakugou growled, stretching his arms out.

"Oooh, so scary." Y/n waved off the blond, beginning to jump up and down to get his blood flowing. "Brawling with or without quirks?" He asked, still doing basic warmups.

"With quirks, obviously." Bakugou grunted. They then separated slightly to get in their own warmups. After the five minutes was up, the room was filled with their intense auras as the two boys stepped into the rink.

"Ready, aggressive?" Y/n got into a battle stance, Bakugou grunting in confirmation while mimicking his actions. Once they exchanged a silent confirmation that both parties were ready to battle, Bakugou leaped forward, charging at y/n at full speed using explosions to propel him through the air.

"Can't absorb fires can ya?!" Bakugou aimed his open palm at y/n's face, setting off an explosion. Before the explosion could burn the male's face, he ducked, lunging forward and rolling. The blond scoffed as he landed, upset he couldn't land a hit. Y/n quickly got back into a battle stance, catching Bakugou's arm as he swung a right hook.

"You love your right hook, huh?" He jeered before swinging the male around once, slamming him into the floor. Bakugou coughed but quickly recovered, getting back up before y/n could do more damage. Y/n jumped forward into Bakugou, releasing small impacts from his feet to accelerate his speed. He then brought his hands forward, slamming into Bakugou's torso. "Impact!" He released some energy out of his hands, sending the blonde staggering back.

"Shit." Bakugou cursed, ignoring the pain, running forward once more. He set off an explosion, making a smoke screen before blasting himself up into the air. Y/n coughed, his nose scrunching up at the smoke and dust floating around him. He looked around, trying to find Bakugou. "Die!" By the time y/n noticed the blonde, it was already to late. Bakugou kicked y/n to the floor midair, landing with a foot on each side of y/n's torso, kneeling down to then pin the male to the floor. "My win." Bakugou smirked, a large, almost sinister grin plastered on his face. Damn did it feel good to beat y/n.

"Alright, you got me, now can you get off?" Y/n rolled his eyes, not pleased at all that he had been taken down by a smokescreen. Shameful, really. Bakugou quickly got off, only now realizing he'd been straddling the male. Y/n groaned, getting up off the floor, dusting off himself. Of course nothing he did hurt, as the impacts weren't strong enough to actually harm him, he just felt really dirty. The two walked over to their things, panting slightly and sweating.

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