Chapter 6

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The high morning sun shined brightly, rousing y/n out of his sleep. All he could see was white around him, the consistent beep of the heart monitor slowly making him irritated. He groaned when he tried to move, his whole body ached and felt heavy.

"So you're finally up." He couldn't lift his head to see who had spoken, but from the situation, he guessed it was Recovery Girl.

"What happened?" He asked, voice tinted with a tired and confused tone.

"You've been knocked out for a day after hero training."

Y/n scowled. Done in by training? He slowly started to remember the exact event that had taken place.

"What kind of damage have I taken?" He was slightly afraid of the answer, not wanting to fail his mission after the second day of school.

"Surprisingly, you didn't take too much damage. Your body must've absorbed some of the impact, breaking only a few bones. You're lucky to have such a quirk, or else you might've not survived." He winced at her answer.

"How long until I can go back to class?" He brought a hand to his head, brushing his bangs from his face.

"I'd say one more day of rest and you should be good to go back. My healing takes stamina, so you'll be feeling very tired for the majority of today." The old woman explained, handing the boy a bottled water.

Sitting up slowly, y/n took the water, gulping down the liquid greedily. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he muttered a thanks, not enjoying the fact that he required help from heroes. Throwing the now empty bottle into a nearby bin, y/n struggled to get off the bed, taking off the clip on his finger connected to the heart monitor.

"What are you doing? I said rest." The old woman scolded, trying to get the male back on the bed.

"I'm not spending a whole day in here. I'm going to my dorm. I'm healed right? Just low stamina." He grunted out, steadying himself on his feet. "I'm fine, I'll come back if I need to." He told her. 'As if.' He thought to himself, inwardly rolling his eyes.

"Hello?" A new voice sounded from the infirmary doors. Looking over, y/n saw familiar green hair.

"Ah, Midoriya, are you in pain? Do you need medication?" She asked, still trying to sit y/n down. Rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, he shook his head.

"No, actually, I was here to see if Eita-san was awake."

Recovery Girl tsked, jabbing her thumb towards said male.

"As you can see, he's up, and he's trying to get out of here!" She indirectly scolded the boy, making him roll his eyes.

"I told you, I'm going to rest, just not here!" He grunted out, tired of being around this persistent woman.

"Oh, I can walk him home." Midoriya entered the infirmary, approaching the teen and the old woman. Sighing, the old woman nodded.

"Fine, but only because he doesn't look like he's going to give up." The woman handed off the male to Midoriya, wrapping one of his arms around the boys neck for support.

Y/n growled as they made their way out of the building.

"I don't need your help." He spat before taking a wobbly step.

"You really shouldn't push yourself Eita-san!" Midoriya gave y/n a concerned look that only pissed him off more.

"Why do you care?" Midoriya only furrowed his brows more at the question.

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