Chapter 24

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More and more pieces of y/n's face were chipped away as he continued to claw at his head. All Might stood there, frozen, unknowing of what to do.

"That's enough!" A voice called. Everyone's eyes widened as y/n passed out, his face putting itself back together, as did the floor around him. He laid there unconscious, the steady rise and fall of his chest giving proof that he was still alive. He almost looked peaceful, and everything was back to normal, as if nothing happened at all.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Midoriya gasped, seeing his homeroom teacher approaching while staring down y/n, his quirk activated.

"What happened?" The pro hero demanded, his gaze never leaving y/n's form.

"Well..." Midoriya and Bakugou glanced at each other, but before they could get into further explanation, All Might stepped in.

"Why don't we take them back to an infirmary and talk about it there?" The blond suggested. With a huff, Aizawa agreed, finally relaxing and deactivating his quirk once he was sure y/n wasn't able to do anything. He had Bakugou carry y/n before leading the way towards the infirmary.

As Bakugou carried y/n on his back, he couldn't help but notice the puffs of breath landing on his ear as y/n exhaled every breath. But he was too deep in his thoughts to feel flustered about it. He thought back on what y/n had said. About his mother, about his search for his father. But despite everything he had learned, there was still one thing that kept nagging him. What was y/n's connection with the villains and One For All?

Sure, One For All has knowledge about y/n's father, but that in itself leads to so many more questions. Why did the villains act the way they did around him? Did it have something to do with y/n's father, or was it something else completely? One thing that y/n had said kept repeating in his mind.

'That's why I hate heroes.' That one statement that created so many questions that remained unanswered. Bakugou was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard y/n groan in his ear. The male slowly regained his consciousness, his bloodshot eyes blinking slowly in confusion. Y/n's heart sped up as he noticed he was being carried, and by Bakugou no less.

He tried to push himself off, but his arms were weak, and Bakugou's grip on his thighs became tighter once he felt y/n trying to escape.

"Don't move. You'll fall." Bakugou grunted. Too weak to argue, y/n sighed and wrapped his arms around Bakugou's neck, holding on tighter for more stability. Bakugou fought off a blush as he felt y/n burying his face in his neck. It was nearly impossible for him to remain stoic, as only now did he realize y/n's whole front was pressing against his back, along with the fact that y/n's thighs were in his hands. Damn, they were soft.

"We're here. Patch up and start explaining." Aizawa huffed, entering the infirmary, the others following after him. Bakugou sat y/n down on a chair before seating himself in another to tend to his injuries, Midoriya doing the same. As they did so, they explained the situation to Aizawa, more so Midoriya than Bakugou. As soon as they finished, Aizawa brought out his scarf, wrapping each end around both Bakugou and Midoriya, nearly squeezing the life out of them.

"To have enough energy to fight the night that the exam ended...How very splendid..." Aizawa glared at his two students.

"Aizawa. Wait a second. Pause your apprehension." All Might requested, stepping closer to Aizawa. "The cause of this incident has to do with me."

"What does this have to do with you...?" Aizawa glanced at All Might. The retired pro hero leaned in closer and began to whisper something in Aizawa's ear, no doubt relaying the situation on his end of the spectrum. Aizawa furrowed his brows, his expression becoming irked. "Who threw the first punch?" He asked suddenly.

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