Chapter 9

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I felt warm, secured, and at ease.

That is, until I felt someone rudely poking at my cheek to wake me up. I groan and began to bury my head into the warmth and smiled as the sweet scent was absorbed into my senses. But quickly frown in annoyance as I felt another poke on my cheek.

I swiftly flipped over on my back and began to cover my face with a pillow in hopes the feeling will disappear. But I quickly smiled as a beautiful giggle was made and felt a certain chin laying on my chest. I slowly lift the pillow up and peeked my eyes open as I looked down at the culprit.

'Oh God me now.'

If I could wake up like this everyday I would.

I chuckle and felt my heart trying to claw its way out of my chest as her gummy smile was presented only for me with her amazing brown hair effortlessly flowing down her shoulders.

"Good morning to you too." I husked out. I Slowly sit up as she quickly buried her face onto my chest and wrapped her arms my waist so suddenly. I laugh lightly and brushed my fingers through her hair as I stared at her in amusement and confusion,

"What's wrong?" I ask. She slowly lifts her head and I felt even more confused seeing a tint of pink on her cheeks. She grins and shakes her head before sitting up,

"Nothing. You're voice just sounded... different." She slowly says before clearing her throat and hopping off the bed and stretching her limbs. I laugh and shake my head before stretching my limbs and yawning while groggily lifting myself off my bed.

I look over at her as I made my way to my desk to grab a hair tie and noticed her tapping away on her phone. She lifts her eyes up from her phone and sent me a smile,

"Kai and Sehuns inviting us to have dinner with them tonight before we leave for Thailand tomorrow." I wanted to decline but seeing her so happy and excited, how could I possibly say no? I force out a smile and nodded my head,

"Sounds good." I casually say as I made my way to mirror and began to tie my hair into a tight pony tail.

I suddenly gasp as I felt slender arms wrap around my waist tightly and quickly felt my cheeks heating up at the sight of Jennie peaking her head out from my side in the mirror while sending me a cheeky smile. I nearly melted at that adorable sight.

I smile softly at her after tightening up my hair and placing my hands over her arms around my waist.

"Hi." I softly say. She rest her chin on my shoulder and smiles while closing her eyes.

"Hi." I look at our reflection and the sight looked so perfect and right. It was creating an amazing beautiful sensation to grow in my chest.

"I really missed you Lisa." She says as she pulls away and walks in front of me with a cute pout. I chuckle and scrunch my nose as I began to pinch her cheeks.

"I missed you too Nini." Her eyes shoot wide open and begins to send me a wide smile while grabbing onto my hands that were squeezing her dumpling cheeks. I lift my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side with an amused smile,

"What?" I ask. She smiles and squeezes my hand gently while lowering them,

"You called me Nini again."


"Ready Lisa?" Jennie whispers as she peeks her head out from the door as I was placing my white bucket hat over my head and smoothing out my long sleeve, pink crop top.

"Ready Lisa?" Jennie whispers as she peeks her head out from the door as I was placing my white bucket hat over my head and smoothing out my long sleeve, pink crop top

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