Chapter 12

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Relief suddenly washed over me the moment I entered my hotel room. There's just something about hotel rooms that makes me feel so relaxed and at ease. I flop myself on my bed and began to snuggle into the pillow as the excited smile has yet to falter.

Today as been incredible, met gorgeous Thai actresses and my mom came and surprised me by visiting me. What else could make this night better?

"Lisa?" I hear a familiar faint voice from behind my door as a soft knock was made. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion while sliding off my bed and walking towards the door. I open it,

"Hey jen. What's up?" I ask. I wasn't really expecting her to come by at this time at night. She lifts up a bag full of snacks we bought from 7-11.

"Can't eat this all by myself can I now?"


"Okay what I don't understand is why Romeo couldn't wait just a few more seconds for Juliet to open her eyes!" I loudly exclaim while throwing a chip towards the tv as if it would knock some sense into Romeo who had just drank the poison. Jennie rolls her eyes,

"Don't blame him! He didn't know it was a trick! And he couldn't bare the thought of the love of his life dying without him." She defends. I look down at her and shake my head in disbelief,

"It's not love, that is lust! They were only physically attracted to each other. And besides in the book they were only young teens with raging hormones." I challenge. She laughs and pokes my stomach.

We were seated on the floor with my back leaning against the couch and with Jennie's head resting on my lap.

"How would you know?" She playfully asks. I smirk,

"I was a teen once you know, I know how young dirty minds work." She raises her eyebrows in amusement as she lifts herself up and leans her back against the couch beside me.

"Don't tell me you were one of those perverted children." I gasp and shove her gently causing her to roll her head back laugh.

"The disrespect." I laugh out. She points at me and smirks

"You didn't deny it." I roll my eyes and smirk back while leaning my face slightly closer,

"Why deny the obvious?" Something flickers in her eyes but quickly disappeared as she playfully places her hand on my face and shoving it away causing me to fall back on the floor.

She goes to get up and run but I quickly sit up and grab onto her ankle causing her to fall to the ground. She rolls on her back groaning in pain causing me to grow worried. I quickly hover over her and look closely to her face,

"Oh my gosh I am so so— oh!" I yelp as she quickly grabs onto my shoulders and rolls us over with her sitting on my stomach and pinning my wrist to the side of my head. I gulp as she smirks down at me with her hair tickling my neck.

"What? Speechless that someone like me could be so strong?" She teases, not seeming to notice the blush creeping onto my cheeks or the fact my chest was heaving up and down rapidly out of nervousness. I gulp and chuckle to mask my jitters,

" just shocked that someone as tiny as you could crush my organs." I tease. She gasps and lets go of my arms and goes to punch my arm but I quickly sat up and snatched both of her wrist and pulled her closer to me. I mentally smirk as I noticed her cheeks heating up.

"I'm just kidding. You're absolutely beautiful Nini." I whisper as I unconsciously began to flicker my eyes towards her lip while slowly licking my own.

I look up into her eyes and felt my breath hitch in my throat at the sight of her gazing down towards my parted lips. She lifts up her gaze into mine and stares silently at me.

The way she was staring at me, so unordinary, was causing my heart to hammer through my chest that if the tv wasn't on, the sound would most definitely be heard by the woman on my lap. We slowly began to inch closer. I look down towards her quivering lips in anticipation. Was I really going to kiss these lips?


Want to know why?

Because my damn phone started ringing.

We both flinch in surprise and look towards my device that was lighting up on my bed. I mentally scowl and frown as her warmth suddenly escaped from me as she quickly hopped of my body and sat relatively far from me.

I quickly get up and march my way towards my phone. I grab and furrow my eyebrows in confusion,

"W..who is it?" Jennie awkwardly asks. I look over and show her the screen,

"It's Sehun. I wonder why he's calling." I mumble to myself. I was about to hit decline until she slowly got up and smoothened her clothes and hair with a blank expression.

"I'm going to head out. It's getting late." She coldly says before striding towards my door and slamming it shut.

'What the hell?'

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