Chapter 17

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Two words.



Last night took quite a turn. Concert was amazing, Jennie and I hung out, Kai and Sehun came to "surprise" us, got drunk, almost had sex with Sehun, fought with Jennie, made out with Jennie, ditched them, came back to my hotel room, and cried myself to sleep.

"You look awful." Chae chuckles out seeing me groggily walking down the hotel hallway with my shades on. I send a tight smile,

"Thanks Chae you really know how to woo a girl." She furrows her eyebrows noticing the venom laced onto my voice.

"Woah, what's wrong?" She slowly walks closer and places both of her hands on my shoulders as she tries to see through my shades.

"You okay?" She quietly asks. I remain silent for a moment before letting out a tired breath. I shake my head,

"I—" the sound of a door opening and the sight of Jennie exiting her room had quickly caught my attention. Jennie looks over but, seeing me, she averts her eyes away and begins to make her way to Jisoo who was practically sleeping while standing against the wall. Chae turns around and chuckles,

"Looks like someone stayed up late to play video games again." She jokes. I force out a chuckle and nodded my head before draping my arm over her shoulder,

"That's the Unnie we know and love." I tiredly joke. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Chae turn to look at me with a frown on her face noticing the lack of sincerity and joy in me. She leans up towards my ear and whispers,

"Remember, my door is always open when you need to talk." She pulls back and I turn to face her with a real genuine smile on my face before silently nodding my head. I sigh as I lean the side of my head against hers as I we began to trail behind the older girls.


Okay, now I'm pissed.

Jennie was, once again, avoiding me.

'But she promised.'

I guess promises are meant to be broken, just like a certain man.

She was acting as if I didn't exist and that amazing kiss never happened. I know for a fact that I wasn't the only who absolutely enjoyed that kiss.

I couldn't get the lingering feeling of her lips off of my mind. Just the way our lips molded together so perfectly was breathtakingly beautiful that I knew for a fact nothing could compete.

After a while I found myself alone in the dressing room with Jennie on the couch, completely ignoring me as she continued to type on her phone.

Probably texting Kai.

I take in a deep breath before walking towards her.

Please talk to me.

"J-Jennie?" I stammer out, mentally scolding my stuttering. She remains quiet and continues to tap her screen, creating a bubble of anger to grow in my chest. I exhale,

"Jennie." I sharply say. She stops and slowly looks up at me with a dull expression, causing the pinch in my chest to increase.

"What?" She coldly asks. I frown slightly and cross my arms.

"We should talk." She sighs and looks back down at her phone screen and began to scroll through it.

"About what?" She stupidly replies. I roll my eyes and began to tap my foot impatiently,

"About last night." I see her thumb freeze for a moment before continuing it's annoying action against the screen.

"What about last night?" I scoff while placing my arms to my side and clenching my hands into a tight fist.

Okay. If she wants to play it that way, then fine.

"I'm talking about our kiss." With that she quickly drops her phone to the side and jumps up while placing her hand over my lips with a look of fear in her eyes as she frantically looked around the room. She looks at the closed door and sighs in relief and quickly ripped her hand off my lips while sending me a sharp glare.

"Don't." She threatens. I gulp down a growing lump as the pain had drastically grown. I narrow my eyes,

"Oh now you show emotions. Thank God, I thought you were an emotionless mannequin." I sarcastically say while frantically waving my arms around. She rolls her eyes and flops herself back on the couch and crosses her arms,

"Stop with the dramatics and say what you have to say." She sharply demands. I scowl down towards her,

"Fine. Why are you acting like what happened last night didn't happen?" I ask, trying to mask my fear with a cold sharp glare. She scoffs and simply shrugs,

"Because it didn't mean anything. What happened last night was a mistake. I was drunk and that's that." She causally says.


There it was. The rejection. She lifts up her cold piercing eyes and continues,

"Now just forget about it and move the hell on." She states before standing up abruptly and making her way towards her make up table and began to reapply her make up. I mocking chuckle and nod my head,

"You know what Jennie thank you for making it clear that you absolutely don't give a shit about anyone but yourself and that you've proven to me that you're once again a fantastic liar." I coldly say before making my way towards the exit.

"What do you mean by liar? What did I even lie about now?" She asks with annoyance etched into her tone. I turn around and mockingly chuckle with a tight smile on my face,

"Besides your relationship status? Well maybe the fact that I mean nothing to you. I know for a fact I do, because, why else would you even initiate the kiss?" I sarcastically ask. She narrows her eyes and goes to speak but I quickly cut her off,

"And also the fact that you fucking looked into my eyes and promised you'd never avoid me again. Guess with you, promises are meant to be broken. Maybe you should stop hanging out with my dad, Nini. Doesn't seem like he's being a good influence on you." I sarcastically state. Not wanting to see her reaction, I quickly rush out of the room and sprinted down the hall with tears streaming down my face.

The pain of saying that to her was awful but hearing her say that the kiss I had always dreamt of meant absolutely nothing to her and it was a mistake felt worse.

It hurts. It hurts so much.

My tears had made my vision extremely blurry that I hadn't realized a nearing figure. I groan as I was quickly met with a hard chest.

"Woah are you ok— Lisa?" I look up and met a familiar face.

"S-Sehun? What're you doing here?" I ask as I quickly took a step back to wipe my tears away. He stared at me in concern as I quickly lowered my face to hide my pained expression behind my bangs before taking a step forward and placing his hands on my arms,

"I came to apologize about last night, but I think that conversation could wait. What happened?" He asks as he gently places his fingers under my chin and slowly lifted it up to see my face. I stare at him for a moment before crashing my body against his and wrapping my arms around his waist as the pain increased into something extremely awful.

He quickly wraps his arms around me and begins to rub soothing circles on my trembling body, due to my sobs that were escaping against his chest. He doesn't say anything just held me as I continued to cry against him, soaking his shirt with my tears.

After a few minutes I slowly pulled away while sniffling and wiping my tears away. I tiredly look up at him and force out a soft smile,

"Sorry for ruining your shirt." I softly whisper. He chuckles and shakes his head as he playfully ruffled my bangs,

"And I'm sorry I almost had sex with you." He jokes. I chuckle and smile gratefully towards him,

"Call it even?" I ask. He laughs and was about to reply until he flickered his eyes behind my shoulder. Before I could turn around to see who he was looking at he quickly grabbed my face and turned me towards him. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion towards his apologetic smile,

"Sorry about this." He whispers. And before I knew it, he quickly smashed his lips onto mine.

'Uh... I'm sorry.. what?'

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