Chapter 20

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"You girls look like crap, what happened to you two?" Jisoo asks as she stared at us entertained by the way we groggily hopped into the shuttle with shades on. I sit myself near the window as she places herself next to me and cuddles into my side,

"Wine happened." She mutters out. I groan and slowly nod my head but stop as the pounding increased. Jisoo shakes her head and chuckles while looking down towards her Nintendo switch.

We were peacefully quiet until Jennie hopped in the and van slammed the door shut causing Chae and I to hiss and place our hands over our heads. Chae whines,

"Unnie why??" She drags out before burying her face on the crook of my neck to block the light from hitting her eyes and grabbed my hand and placed it over her ears. Jennie chuckles and seats herself next to Jisoo,

"What'd you guys do last night?" She asks. And instinctively Chae and I pull apart and stare at each other with flushed cheeks before awkwardly laughing.

"N-nothing." She abruptly says while removing her shades. I clear my throat while adjusting myself on my seat. Jisoo lifts up her head from the switch and eyes us suspiciously,

"They said they drank wine but with that kind of reaction I feel likes there's more to the story. Care to explain?" She asks as she places her switch down and crosses her arms. We both quickly remove our shades and stare wide eyed towards each other. Chae forces out a nervous chuckle,

"Nothing h-happened.. we got drunk a-and that's all.." I wince and sigh in defeat while placing my hand over my eyes. Chae was never one to lie smoothly. Jisoo then clears her throat,

"You'd never lie to me right Chae?" Jisoo asks with a hint of sadness laced into her tone. Chae swiftly looks at me with a hint of regret and guilt burning in her eyes. I immediately feel my heart drop and feverishly shook my head but groan towards the pounding.

Chae took that chance to let out a breath and smile apologetically towards me before turning around to face the girls who were seated behind us.

"S..something did happen." She looks over her shoulder and was glad the managers weren't in the van before turning back around.


She smiles awkwardly,

"We got too drunk and..." she drags out while looking down and fiddling with her clasped hands. Jennie furrows her eyebrows in confusion and tilted her head,

"And?" She asks. Chae lifts up her gaze and slowly turned to me with blushing cheeks,

"Well..." she drags out and motions for me to finish her sentence but I remained silent.


Hell no.

I refuse.

Jennie groans,

"Well?" She annoying asks. We remain silent for a moment before Jisoos eyes widened in disbelief.

"You didn't.." she whispers. Jennie swiftly turned to Jisoo with a puzzled look.

"Didn't what?! Could someone just say it already!" She yells out. Chae and I wince towards the volume of her voice before staring at each other in fear. I sigh in defeat, but before I could speak, Jisoo quickly cuts me off,

"D-did you guys have sex?" With that, Chae and I quickly looked at each other and gasped before laughing hysterically. Jisoo grits her teeth while Jennie angrily stared towards us,

"What?" She asks. I chuckle and wipe a tear away while waving my hands dismissively,

"No no you got it all wrong. We just made out." I unconsciously say before gasping and slapping my hands over my mouth. Chae widens her eyes towards my sudden bluntness before we both slowly turned to see their reactions.

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